Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are the three biggest ISPs in China and why are they creating regional mono...

What are the three biggest ISPs in China and why are they creating regional mono...

The three biggest ISPs in China are China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile. They are actually owned by the same state-owned company and are split according to physical location and scope. This is the main factor of monopoly creation across Chin...


What are some solutions to internet problems in China?

What are some solutions to internet problems in China?

First of all, it is important to select the most suitable ISP according to location. Companies in North China should select China Unicom as their ISP, South China should select China Telecom and East China can select either of them based on the bandw...


What is the national internet connection speed like in each province in China?

What is the national internet connection speed like in each province in China?

The average broadband speed is 3.5mb/s in China, Beijing and Shanghai have  the fastest internet connection speed out of all the provinces. Most of the provinces in East and South China have similar connection speed; however, Xinjiang, Qinghai, ...


Quick Facts about China's Internet

Quick Facts about China's Internet

This infographic shows quick facts about China's internet - such as national connection speed by province, the amount of Chinese internet users, peak hours and non-peak hours speed comparison.


Locations where Internet users access Wi-Fi in China

Locations where Internet users access Wi-Fi in China

Percentage of locations where internet users connect Wi-Fi in China.


Figures of the broadband growth rate, online duration and quantity of mobile int...

Figures of the broadband growth rate, online duration and quantity of mobile int...

This infographic shows international broadband in China and its growth rate, average weekly online duration of internet users in China and quantity of mobile internet users in China.


International Internet Gateways - China

International Internet Gateways - China

This infographic shows different types of international internet gateway provider and its bandwidth in China.


India's Top Imported and Exported Goods in 2015

India's Top Imported and Exported Goods in 2015

This infographic shows the top import and export items for India in 2015, as well as the top import sources and export destinations.


Calculation of Customs Duties in India

Calculation of Customs Duties in India

This infographic displays the several custom duties in India.


Monthly Minimum Wages in Asian Countries in 2015

Monthly Minimum Wages in Asian Countries in 2015

This infographic shows the monthly minimum wages across Asian countries in 2015.


Imports and Exports of Vietnam in 2015

Imports and Exports of Vietnam in 2015

This infographic shows data of imports from and exports to Vietnam's major trade partners in 2015.


Vietnam's Top Manufacturing Industries

Vietnam's Top Manufacturing Industries

This infographic lists out the total exports and imports of Vietnam's top manufacturing industries for the period of January to July 2015.

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