Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Setting up a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in China presented by Angela Ma

Setting up a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in China presented by Angela Ma

Ms. Angela Ma,talks about the process of setting up a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) in China.


How does a value-added tax differ from a sales tax?

How does a value-added tax differ from a sales tax?

A value- added tax (VAT) occurs multiply times throughout a product’s or service’s supply chain. Unlike a sales tax which is imposed on the end buyer, whenever goods or supplies change hands a tax is placed on the value added by each part...


What does the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act mean to US investors?

What does the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act mean to US investors?

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or FCPA, is a federal law prohibiting U.S companies from bribing foreign government officials for business contracts or similar motives. American firms need to be aware of their interactions with entities partially...


Comparison between China wages with other Asian countries

Comparison between China wages with other Asian countries

This infographic details the different amount of minimum wage across countries in Asia and draws comparisons with China.


Flow chart of change of business scope of Chinese company

Flow chart of change of business scope of Chinese company

This infographic details the steps that need to be taken when changing the business scope of a company.


What are the challenges of China?s rising manufacturing costs for companies?

What are the challenges of China?s rising manufacturing costs for companies?

In China’s rush to wean itself from an export-driven economy and into a consumer-based economy, it is State policy to place more money in the hands of Chinese nationals. This means that China has a specific agenda of raising workers’ sala...


How are wages determined in China?

How are wages determined in China?

Wage standards in China are set for individual cities, provinces and other administrative units by their respective local governments, rather than on a nationwide basis. As of June 2014, wages has been hiked in eleven areas – Beijing, Chongq...


What does the China-ASEAN free trade agreement (FTA) entail?

What does the China-ASEAN free trade agreement (FTA) entail?

The China-ASEAN FTA was signed off in 2002 and came into effect more than three years ago. It offers a way out by allowing companies to reposition manufacturing to other low cost areas of Asia, yet still be able to service the China market via the du...


With manufacturing costs going up in China, what strategies can China-based manu...

With manufacturing costs going up in China, what strategies can China-based manu...

As low-cost production is moving away from China and into other Asian nations that are becoming as efficient as mass manufacturing, healthy economic growth requires that China creates higher-skilled manufacturing jobs, becomes more innovative and dev...


Can existing wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs) engage in distribution in ...

Can existing wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs) engage in distribution in ...

To engage in distribution, an existing manufacturing WFOE will need to expand its business scope. Adding distribution into its business scope means that the WFOE will be able to import goods to China to sell directly, either in wholesale or retail; a...


How can an existing manufacturing wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) in Chin...

How can an existing manufacturing wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) in Chin...

To expand the business scope of a WFOE in China, it should amend its articles of association, fill out the relevant application forms, and submit them in accordance with the legal procedures for expanding an enterprise’s business scope. The ...


What does the Revised Environmental Protection Law in China entail?

What does the Revised Environmental Protection Law in China entail?

On April 22, 2014, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress passed a revision to the 1989 Environmental Protection Law. The Revised Law, which contains 70 articles in comparison to only 46 in its predecessor, will take effect on...

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