Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Are service fees paid to overseas-related parties deductible for or exempt from ...

Are service fees paid to overseas-related parties deductible for or exempt from ...

Service fees paid to overseas related parties are deductible for CIT purposes provided they are directly related to the foreign-invested enterprise’s (FIE) business operations, charged at normal market rates, and all applicable taxes have be...


Do companies in China need to provide a tax clearance certificate when remitting...

Do companies in China need to provide a tax clearance certificate when remitting...

To ease foreign exchange controls and simplify the administration of foreign exchange, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) and State Administration of Taxation (SAT) jointly issued the Announcement on Issues Concerning Tax Filings for...


What do royalty fees entail in China?

What do royalty fees entail in China?

Royalties are fees paid in relation to the use of intellectual property, such as trademarks, patents, copyrights, and proprietary technology. Royalties are deductible for corporate income tax (CIT) purposes, provided they are directly related to the ...


What factors would hamper the determination of being a beneficial owner in China...

What factors would hamper the determination of being a beneficial owner in China...

In determining whether the non-resident company is indeed the beneficial owner of the royalties, the tax authorities will apply a “substance over form” principle and conduct analysis based on the actual circumstances of the case. In gener...


Can foreign enterprises in China remit undistributed profits in the form of loan...

Can foreign enterprises in China remit undistributed profits in the form of loan...

A wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) may remit undistributed profits to a foreign related company with which it has an equity relationship by extending a loan. The WFOE’s interest income will be subject to 25 percent corporate income tax (C...


When are service fees deemed to be royalty fees in China?

When are service fees deemed to be royalty fees in China?

In accordance with Circular No. 507 [2009], if, in the course of the transfer or licensing of technical know-how, a licensor assigns personnel to support and guide the licensee in using the technical know-how and charges fees for these services, then...


Can a company repatriate all their profits made in China?

Can a company repatriate all their profits made in China?

Only profit that has undergone annual audit can be repatriated. Annual audit for tax compliance conducted by the local tax authority is usually completed around June or July every year. The audit allows the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) t...


When is profit allowed to be repatriated in China?

When is profit allowed to be repatriated in China?

Profit is allowed to be repatriated in China if an entity complies with all of the following points: The wholly foreign-owned enterprise’s (WFOE) registered capital has been injected within the time limits as set out in the Article of Associ...


Why are double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAs) beneficial to companies repa...

Why are double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAs) beneficial to companies repa...

Companies repatriating dividends need to be aware of whether or not there is a DTA in place between China and their home country, which can reduce the 10 percent withholding tax on dividends to 5-8 percent. This is not something that tax authorities ...


What is the state of India?s retail market and why does it represent such an ent...

What is the state of India?s retail market and why does it represent such an ent...

With the number of potential Indian consumers well over one billion, retail in India presents a substantial opportunity for foreign investors. From 2010-2012 the sector grew by over 10 percent annually, with analysts predicting a compound annual grow...


Why do many investors resort to acquisitions to establish operations in India, a...

Why do many investors resort to acquisitions to establish operations in India, a...

Acquiring an existing Indian firm to facilitate entry into India offers advantages to foreign investors such as reduced supply chain and establishment costs, a pre-existing sales base and a rapid establishment of market position, to name a few. Howev...


Passage to India: Selling to India's Consumer Market

Passage to India: Selling to India's Consumer Market

In this issue of India Briefing Magazine, we explore several key growth sectors and industries that enhance India’s appeal to foreign companies seeking out new markets for their products and services. For overseas firms exploring the diverse ran...

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