Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are the personal income tax (PIT) finalization documents in Vietnam?

What are the personal income tax (PIT) finalization documents in Vietnam?

The Personal Income Tax (PIT) finalizing document would include the following items: PIT Finalization Statement The list of taxable income and tax deducted from salaries and wages of the resident individual who is engaged in an employment contrac...


How can profit be remitted from Vietnam to other countries?

How can profit be remitted from Vietnam to other countries?

Profit remittance can be done following tax finalization, or when terminating the investment project in Vietnam, in cash or in kind, if the foreign-owned entity has not accumulated losses. Offshore remittance of profits in cash must comply with the l...


What statutory audited reports for Foreign-invested enterprises (FIE) include in...

What statutory audited reports for Foreign-invested enterprises (FIE) include in...

In general, statutory audited reports for Foreign Invested Enterprises (FIEs) in Vietnam should include 3 parts: Summary of the main business activities of the FIE, including the investment license number, registered capital, name and history of B...


What are the general accounting treatments on trade debtors/trade creditors in V...

What are the general accounting treatments on trade debtors/trade creditors in V...

Enterprises should provide reasonable debt provisions according to the ending balance of their accounts receivable and must comply with the instructions from MOF. Balance confirmations are used as an important factor, especially on foreign currency o...


What are the general accounting treatments on fixed assets in Vietnam?

What are the general accounting treatments on fixed assets in Vietnam?

All fixed assets of an Foreign Invested Enterprise (FIE) should be recorded. There are specific regulations that must be followed regarding what will be capitalized. Any items currently under construction should be transferred into fixed assets o...


What are the general accounting treatments on pre-operating expenses in Vietnam?

What are the general accounting treatments on pre-operating expenses in Vietnam?

Expenses and exchange losses for FIEs during the start-up period can be charged to the profit and loss account in one lump sum during the first month, or amortized within 36 months after commencing operations. Pre-operating expenses refer to all rele...


What is the basic information to include in the representative office report in ...

What is the basic information to include in the representative office report in ...

The information to be included in such report would be: Full name Address Telephone and fax number Email (if any) Bank account details of a bank registered and operating in Vietnam. In the case that foreign businesses have only one represen...


What are the mandatory annual reports for Foreign-owned enterprises (FOE) in Vie...

What are the mandatory annual reports for Foreign-owned enterprises (FOE) in Vie...

Report on Production and Business Activities Actual operating business lines Labor (number, turnover, etc.) Labor income and employer payments of social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, and trade union fee Production an...


What is the difference between Foreign-owned enterprise (FOE) and Representative...

What is the difference between Foreign-owned enterprise (FOE) and Representative...

As the legally permissible business lines for Representative Offices (ROs) differ from foreign-owned entities (FOEs), namely that ROs are not allowed to directly conduct profit-generated business activities, therefore the annual reporting requirement...


How is corporate income tax defined and how should such tax be paid in China?

How is corporate income tax defined and how should such tax be paid in China?

Corporate income tax is paid by enterprises that generate income, whether it is derived from production, business operations, and other sources. Currently, it is at a rate of 25 percent currently, for both foreign and domestic enterprises. For domes...


What requirements are in place to be eligible for tax incentive for high-tech en...

What requirements are in place to be eligible for tax incentive for high-tech en...

High-tech enterprises can enjoy a reduced rate of 15 percent, given they are approved by relevant tax authorities and qualified the following conditions: The enterprise possesses core intellectual property rights in China; The products or service...


What are the Annual Financial Report Contents in Vietnam?

What are the Annual Financial Report Contents in Vietnam?

Annual Financial Report contents include, statement of income, statement of financial position, statement of changes in equity (if any), statement of cash flow, balance sheet and notes. 

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