Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



China's Corporate Social Credit System

China's Corporate Social Credit System

The Corporate Social Credit System (SCS) will be the most comprehensive system created by any government to regulate a marketplace and will have implications on all companies doing business in or with China. It is no understatement to say that it wil...


Coronavirus Outbreak: How to Address Key HR and Commercial Issues

Coronavirus Outbreak: How to Address Key HR and Commercial Issues

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), centering in Wuhan, China, has begun to affect the greater China economy and the operations of enterprises across the country. The ability of companies to make informed HR and operational decisions ...


Impact of the Coronavirus Outbreak on Indian Businesses

Impact of the Coronavirus Outbreak on Indian Businesses

Join us in this webinar to understand impact of the outbreak on major sectors in India and how your business can ensure minimal disruption of operations.


Export Incentives in India

Export Incentives in India

What are the various incentives available for exporters in India? Government has come out with various initiatives to promote exports by way of providing duty drawbacks, refunds and other benefits through schemes like Merchandise Exports from Ind...


Trade War Incentives in ASEAN

Trade War Incentives in ASEAN

In this webinar, Dustin Daugherty introduced the various incentive schemes and improvements in investment environments ASEAN countries have implemented to capitalize on shifting supply chains and rising costs. He then provided a side-by-side comparis...


Investing in Cambodia

Investing in Cambodia

This infographic gives a brief overview of investing in Cambodia. This includes the GDP growth rate, FDI in various sectors, countries invested in Cambodia as well as the distinct competitive advantages of the country.


Operating Your China Business During a Crisis and Contagious Disease Outbreaks

Operating Your China Business During a Crisis and Contagious Disease Outbreaks

Businesses across China were disrupted early this year due to the novel Covid-19 outbreak. The nature of this outbreak has led to some fast-thinking on the part of business organizations throughout the world – who have had to balance the quarantine...


Vietnam's Annual Tax Finalization - Challenges and Recommendations

Vietnam's Annual Tax Finalization - Challenges and Recommendations

Annual tax finalization is a “heavy-duty” job involving significant levels of both technical and non-technical issues, which can affect the taxpayers’ compliance status years after the submission of tax returns. Thus, three-month period from Ja...


Can the Union Budget 2020 Revive India’s Economy?

Can the Union Budget 2020 Revive India’s Economy?

Join us in this webinar to decode the key budget announcements and understand the expenditure and receipt (revenue) side of the budget.


Investing in Myanmar - A Brief Overview

Investing in Myanmar - A Brief Overview

This infographic gives a brief overview of investing in Myanmar. This includes the GDP growth rate, FDI in various sectors, countries invested in Myanmar as well as the incentives for investment in the country.


FAQs: Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in India

FAQs: Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in India

Who can establish Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India? An SEZ can be established jointly or individually by the central government, a state government or its agencies, or private sector, including a foreign company, for the purpose of manufact...


DPRK Business Monthly: January 2020

DPRK Business Monthly: January 2020

This regular publication looks at current international, domestic, and peninsular affairs concerning North Korea while also offering commentary and tourism information on the country.

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