Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Fraud Prevention in China

Fraud Prevention in China

Preventing and detecting fraud in China is becoming increasingly complex. Overseas stakeholders are often handicapped in this environment due to geographic distance, which limits visibility of their China operation. Further, China’s intricate ...


Foreign Business Act, 1999 - Thailand

Foreign Business Act, 1999 - Thailand


Practical Interpretation of Labor Laws for Manufacturing Companies

Practical Interpretation of Labor Laws for Manufacturing Companies


What are the weaknesses of Internal Controls for SMEs?

What are the weaknesses of Internal Controls for SMEs?

The common weaknesses observed in an SMEs internal control include:  Improper control policies and employee training Internal control reviews or approvals dependent on limited company resources Inadequate documentation and implementation of...


Goods and Services (GST) Tax India - Rate Schedules for Goods

Goods and Services (GST) Tax India - Rate Schedules for Goods


Goods and Services (GST) Tax India - Rate Schedules for Services

Goods and Services (GST) Tax India - Rate Schedules for Services


Law on Enterprises - Vietnam

Law on Enterprises - Vietnam


China's City Cluster Plan

China's City Cluster Plan

Our latest podcast explains the evolution of China's urban planning and maps out the road to building 19 super regions throughout the country to sustainably manage an urban population on course to hit 1 billion. Our latest podcast explains the evolu...


The Companies Act, 2013 - India

The Companies Act, 2013 - India



The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redress...

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redress...


Asia Vidcast: Relocating Your Business to China by Zoey Erdenebileg

Asia Vidcast: Relocating Your Business to China by Zoey Erdenebileg

Choosing the right location for your business is paramount to any market entry strategy. It is particularly prevalent in China due to the fast evolving business environment and sheer size of the market. In this video, our business intelligence exper...


Les Régions et Zones Économiques Clés du Vietnam

Les Régions et Zones Économiques Clés du Vietnam

Les investisseurs étrangers découvriront que le succès sur le marché vietnamien est plus nuancé que les laissent penser les taux d’investissement et de croissance, et que le choix d’un emplacement adéquat à leur projet figure parmi les con...

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