Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Quali sono le modifiche applicate al permesso di soggiorno per la Cina?

Quali sono le modifiche applicate al permesso di soggiorno per la Cina?

In Cina il permesso di soggiorno permette ai cittadini stranieri di effettuare un numero illimitato di viaggi da e verso la Cina per tutta la sua durata. La nuova normativa ha ridotto da 1 anno a 90 giorni il periodo di validità minimo del ...


Shanghai New Free Trade Zone and Its Incentives For Companies presented by Angel...

Shanghai New Free Trade Zone and Its Incentives For Companies presented by Angel...

Ms. Angela Ma, talks about China's new free trade zone in Shanghai. She also provides insights into one-step application processing platform for company establishment in free trade zone.


Quali sono le zone di investimento in Cina?

Quali sono le zone di investimento in Cina?

Attualmente esistono 6 Zone Economiche Speciali (ZES) in Cina. La prima venne creata a Shenzhen e furono introdotte numerose politiche di favore per attrarre gli investitori, ma dal 2008 la riforma fiscale sul reddito d’impresa pose fine all...


Esportazione totale merci ASEAN per destinazione

Esportazione totale merci ASEAN per destinazione

Questo infographic descrive la percentuale di esportazione del blocco ASEAN, passate e future, verso: Intra- ASIAN, Cina, India, Giappone, UE27, US, Medio Oriente.


Importieren nach Asien

Importieren nach Asien

In dieser Ausgabe von Asia Briefing befassen wir uns mit dem Thema des Imports von Gütern nach China, Vietnam und Indien. Viele der asiatischen Staaten haben sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten von Billiglohnländern zu Staaten mit Konsumgesells...


Triggering Permanent Establishment Status in China presented by Angela Ma

Triggering Permanent Establishment Status in China presented by Angela Ma

Angela Ma, International Business Advisory associate, provides insights into how permanent establishment (PE) is triggered in China and some of the major tax implications associated with permanent establishment.


Setting up a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in China presented by Angela Ma

Setting up a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in China presented by Angela Ma

Ms. Angela Ma,talks about the process of setting up a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) in China.


How does a value-added tax differ from a sales tax?

How does a value-added tax differ from a sales tax?

A value- added tax (VAT) occurs multiply times throughout a product’s or service’s supply chain. Unlike a sales tax which is imposed on the end buyer, whenever goods or supplies change hands a tax is placed on the value added by each part...


What does the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act mean to US investors?

What does the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act mean to US investors?

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or FCPA, is a federal law prohibiting U.S companies from bribing foreign government officials for business contracts or similar motives. American firms need to be aware of their interactions with entities partially...


Comparison between China wages with other Asian countries

Comparison between China wages with other Asian countries

This infographic details the different amount of minimum wage across countries in Asia and draws comparisons with China.


Flow chart of change of business scope of Chinese company

Flow chart of change of business scope of Chinese company

This infographic details the steps that need to be taken when changing the business scope of a company.


What are the challenges of China?s rising manufacturing costs for companies?

What are the challenges of China?s rising manufacturing costs for companies?

In China’s rush to wean itself from an export-driven economy and into a consumer-based economy, it is State policy to place more money in the hands of Chinese nationals. This means that China has a specific agenda of raising workers’ sala...

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