Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Gestione dei Libri Paga in Asia

Gestione dei Libri Paga in Asia

La riscossione delle entrate fiscali e la gestione della previdenza sociale sono due delle funzioni fondamentali esercitate da un governo. Nel processo di costituzione e nel corso della gestione di un business in Asia, le aziende devono prestare part...


Payroll Processing Across Asia

Payroll Processing Across Asia

In Asia Briefing Magazine’s first issue of 2014, we provide a country-by-country introduction to how payroll and social insurance systems work in China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, India and Singapore. We also compare three distinct models companies use...


Vietnam Briefing Magazine, February 2014 Issue: ?A Guide to Understanding Vietna...

Vietnam Briefing Magazine, February 2014 Issue: ?A Guide to Understanding Vietna...

This issue of Vietnam Briefing aims to clarify the entire VAT, short for value-added tax, process by taking you through an introduction as to what VAT is, liabilities that come with it, and how to pay it properly.


Profit Repatriation Procedure in China

Profit Repatriation Procedure in China

All foreign-invested enterprises in China are required to carry out annual compliance procedures as mandated by various governmental departments. Here are the steps for profit repatriation in China.


Imposte societarie a confronto: Vietnam e Cina

Imposte societarie a confronto: Vietnam e Cina

Questo infographic fa un confronto tra Cina e Vietnam in merito alle: imposte sul profitto d’impresa, sul valore aggiunto e sull’imposizione sul rimpatrio dei dividendi.


Investire in zone speciali in Cina: le procedure di iscrizione

Investire in zone speciali in Cina: le procedure di iscrizione


Procedure e stima dei tempi per una comune richiesta secondo il nuovo sistema de...

Procedure e stima dei tempi per una comune richiesta secondo il nuovo sistema de...


Entwicklungszonen in Asien

Entwicklungszonen in Asien

Die Infografik stellt kurz und knapp die einzelnen Entwicklungszonen in asiatischen Ländern dar.


Anmeldeverfahren für Investition in Chinas Entwicklungszonen

Anmeldeverfahren für Investition in Chinas Entwicklungszonen

Folgende Infografik gibt Aufschluss darüber, wie Sie Investitionen in Chinas Entwicklungszonen anmelden.


Sourcing Model in China: Service Company

Sourcing Model in China: Service Company

The diagram shows how foreign investors can utilize a service company to create a sourcing platform in China.


How many different development zones are there in China?

How many different development zones are there in China?

Although many tax benefits have been dried up after the 2008 Corporate Tax Reform, it is all the more important to understand which development zone will fit best with your business and your demands. Here is the list of development zones in China: ...


How do China?s general anti-avoidance rules work?

How do China?s general anti-avoidance rules work?

A general anti-avoidance rule (GAAR) was first introduced in China under the corporate income tax (CIT) Law which came into effect in 2008. The GAAR empowers Chinese tax authorities to make reasonable adjustments where an enterprise implements an arr...

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