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Entwicklungszonen in Asien

Entwicklungszonen in Asien

Die Infografik stellt kurz und knapp die einzelnen Entwicklungszonen in asiatischen Ländern dar.


Anmeldeverfahren fr Investition in Chinas Entwicklungszonen

Anmeldeverfahren fr Investition in Chinas Entwicklungszonen

Folgende Infografik gibt Aufschluss darüber, wie Sie Investitionen in Chinas Entwicklungszonen anmelden.


Sourcing Model in China: Service Company

Sourcing Model in China: Service Company

The diagram shows how foreign investors can utilize a service company to create a sourcing platform in China.


How many different development zones are there in China?

How many different development zones are there in China?

Although many tax benefits have been dried up after the 2008 Corporate Tax Reform, it is all the more important to understand which development zone will fit best with your business and your demands. Here is the list of development zones in China: ...


How do China?s general anti-avoidance rules work?

How do China?s general anti-avoidance rules work?

A general anti-avoidance rule (GAAR) was first introduced in China under the corporate income tax (CIT) Law which came into effect in 2008. The GAAR empowers Chinese tax authorities to make reasonable adjustments where an enterprise implements an arr...


What is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise in China?

What is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise in China?

It is a company established in China according to Chinese laws and is wholly owned by one or more foreign investors. WFOE is of limited liability, i.e.: shareholders will only be liable for the amount of shares that they have subscribed to. The laws ...


How many types of wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs) are allowed by law in...

How many types of wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs) are allowed by law in...

There are three types that are currently allowed: Service (or consulting) WFOE; Trading WFOE (or Foreign-Invested Commercial Enterprise – FICE); and Manufacturing WFOE   Despite having the same legal identity, they have significan...


What are the sector restrictions for wholly foreign-owned enterprises under Chin...

What are the sector restrictions for wholly foreign-owned enterprises under Chin...

According to Guidance Catalogue for Foreign Investment (2012 Catalogue), which is jointly published by the National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Commerce, sector restriction applies to the business activities that the Wholly Fore...


Der Große Steuervergleich für Asien 2014

Der Große Steuervergleich für Asien 2014

Im Hinblick auf die geltende Steuergesetzgebung bestehen erhebliche Unterschiede zwischen den asiatischen Ländern. In dieser Ausgabe wollen wir Ihnen einen aktuellen Überblick über diejenigen Steuern liefern, die für ausländische Inves...


The 2014 Asia Tax Comparator

The 2014 Asia Tax Comparator

In this issue of Asia Briefing Magazine, we examine the different tax rates in 13 Asian jurisdictions – the 10 countries of ASEAN, plus China, India and Hong Kong. We examine the on-the-ground tax rates that each of these countries levy, includi...


Social Insurance in China

Social Insurance in China

In this issue, we introduce China’s current social insurance system and provide an update on the status of foreigners’ participation in the system. We also include a comprehensive chart of average wages across China, which is used to calcul...


Selling to China

Selling to China

In this issue, we demystify some complexities of conducting business in China by introducing the main certification requirements for importing goods into the country; the basics of setting up a representative office; as well as the structure and cult...

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