Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



"Erweiterung Ihres China- Geschäfts nach Indien und Vietnam" präsentiert vom Ger...

In diesem Podcast von Asia Briefing, diskutieren wir warum China nicht mehr länger die einzige Lösung für exportgetriebene Geschäfte ist und wie die Entwicklung des Asienhandels Standorte wie Vietnam und Indien als wettbewerbsfähige Alternativen...


People?s Bank of China to Facilitate RMB Exchange in London featuring Chris Devo...

People?s Bank of China to Facilitate RMB Exchange in London featuring Chris Devo...

Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Founding Partner & Principal of Dezan Shira & Associates, is interviewed by Dukascopy TV about the three year reciprocal currency swap facility between China and London.


Asia Briefing Magazine, May 2013 Issue: ?An Introduction to Development Zones Ac...

Asia Briefing Magazine, May 2013 Issue: ?An Introduction to Development Zones Ac...

Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Founder of Dezan Shira & Associates, discusses the various types of development zones available in China, India and Vietnam specifically, as well as their key characteristics and leading advantages.


China Briefing Magazine, May 2013 Issue: "Understanding Permanent Establishments...

China Briefing Magazine, May 2013 Issue:

Christian Fleming, former Managing Editor at Asia Briefing, a Dezan Shira alumni, discusses the importance of Permanent Establishment’s (PE) in allowing foreign investors to plan their activities in China more efficiently.


?Weshalb ist ASEAN für Ihre Geschäftsstrategie in Asien wichtig?? präsentiert vo...

?Weshalb ist ASEAN für Ihre Geschäftsstrategie in Asien wichtig?? präsentiert vo...

Der German Desk beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema ASEAN und warum diese Region zunehmend an Bedeutung für die Geschäftsstrategie in Asien gewinnt.


Application Procedures: Investing in China's Development Zones

Application Procedures: Investing in China's Development Zones

The flow chart outlines the application procedures of investing in China's development zone.


Individual Income Tax Rates in China

Individual Income Tax Rates in China

The table shows the formula, rates and deductions of Individual Income Tax (IIT) rates in China.


Countries with Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements with China

Countries with Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements with China

The table shows the countries which have double taxation avoidance agreements with China as of January 2013.


Eine Einführung in Asiens Entwicklungszonen

Eine Einführung in Asiens Entwicklungszonen

Der politische Einsatzvon Entwicklungszonenin ihren unterschiedlichenErscheinungsformenist ein wirksamesModell, welches besonders in den letzten 25 Jahren durch China einen Bekanntheitsgrad erreicht hat und welches sowohl für ausländische Inves...


Introduzione alle zone di investimento in Asia

Introduzione alle zone di investimento in Asia

In questo numero di Asia Briefing, analizzeremo i vari tipi di zone economiche e aree per investimenti disponibili in Cina, India e Vietnam, illustrandone caratteristiche e vantaggi principali. Presenteremo poi una fotografia delle più recenti eco...


An Introduction to Development Zones Across Asia

An Introduction to Development Zones Across Asia

The use of development zones in their different guises has been an effective model essentially brought to prominence by China over the past 25 years to help both foreign investors and domestic companies meet in a relationship that provides tax advant...


Understanding Permanent Establishments in China

Understanding Permanent Establishments in China

With an increasing number of foreign enterprises starting to conduct business in China, tax liabilities resulting from business activities in China are quickly becoming an issue of key concern. Many foreign enterprises that conduct business in China ...

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