Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



La Guida fiscale per l’Asia

La Guida fiscale per l’Asia

In un’Asia sempre più interconnessa, molti investitori stranieri stanno puntando oltre la Cina, facendo tesoro della loro esperienza nel regno di mezzo, per comprendere le possibilità di investimento in paesi come India e Vietnam.


What requirements are in place to be eligible for tax incentive in Western regio...

What requirements are in place to be eligible for tax incentive in Western regio...

From January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2020, enterprises can enjoy a reduced corporate income tax at a rate of 15 percent, upon fulfilling the below criteria and being approved by the relevant tax office: Based in the western region (including, but ...


How is withholding tax defined in China?

How is withholding tax defined in China?

Withholding tax is levied on passive income – such as dividends, interests, royalties, bonuses, other equity investment gains, rentals, transfer of property – received by non-resident enterprises from China. It is levied at a rate of 10 p...


How is corporate income tax defined and how should such tax be paid in China?

How is corporate income tax defined and how should such tax be paid in China?

Corporate income tax is paid by enterprises that generate income, whether it is derived from production, business operations, and other sources. Currently, it is at a rate of 25 percent currently, for both foreign and domestic enterprises. For domes...


What requirements are in place to be eligible for tax incentive for high-tech en...

What requirements are in place to be eligible for tax incentive for high-tech en...

High-tech enterprises can enjoy a reduced rate of 15 percent, given they are approved by relevant tax authorities and qualified the following conditions: The enterprise possesses core intellectual property rights in China; The products or service...


Why is Hong Kong holding company an attractive option for foreign investors inve...

Why is Hong Kong holding company an attractive option for foreign investors inve...

 There are a number of reasons: Geographical proximity Low tax rate – only 16.5 percent for corporate income tax and 15 percent for partnerships and sole traders Territorial source principle of taxation – only income derived fro...


The Asia Tax Comparator

 The Asia Tax Comparator

In an increasingly inter-connected Asia, many foreign investors are looking beyond China, using the lens of their China experiences to understand the investment environment in countries like India and Vietnam.


Internationale Transaktionen nahestehender Unternehmen

 Internationale Transaktionen nahestehender Unternehmen

In dieser Ausgabe von China Briefing behandeln wir das Thema internationaler Transaktionen, insbesondere zwischen verbundenen Unternehmen. Im Einzelnen gehen wir auf Servicevereinbarungen von HQ und ausländischen Tochtergesellschaften ein und geb...


Opérations Internationales entre parties liées

Opérations Internationales entre parties liées

Dans ce numéro de China Briefing, nous nous tournons encore une fois à la question des opérations internationales, en particulier celles entre les parties liées. Dans le numéro de l’an dernier sur ce sujet, nous avons été tr...


Transazioni internazionali con parti correlate

Transazioni internazionali con parti correlate

Affronteremo in questo numero, come suggerisce il titolo, alcuni aspetti fondamentali delle transazioni internazionali con le parti correlate.


International Related Party Transactions

International Related Party Transactions

In this issue of China Briefing, we turn once again to the issue of international transactions, specifically those between related parties. In the first article, we focus purely on HQ-WFOE service agreements; in the second article, we give a very bri...


What should Chinese foreign-owned subsidiaries bear in mind when entering into s...

What should Chinese foreign-owned subsidiaries bear in mind when entering into s...

The subsidiaries must provide the services that are within their business scope.   For foreign-invested commercial enterprises or manufacturing wholly-owned foreign enterprises, the services must be provided in relation to their business scope...

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