Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Human Resources & Payroll in China (Part 1 of 2) presented by Adam Livermore

Human Resources & Payroll in China (Part 1 of 2) presented by Adam Livermore

Adam Livermore answers popular questions concerning Human Relations and Payroll in China. Adam crystalizes the current payroll and human relations concerns in China. He took the most common mistakes firms make when in China, and provides information ...


Internal Control, Fraud and Loss Prevention in China

Internal Control, Fraud and Loss Prevention in China

This presentation by Regional Director Richard Cant will go over legal and financial fraud risks, the internal control process in China and the common areas of concern in Chinese companies and WFOEs.


Human Resources & Payroll in China (Part 2 of 2) presented by Adam Livermore

Human Resources & Payroll in China (Part 2 of 2) presented by Adam Livermore

Adam Livermore discusses the HR and Payroll situation in China. In this particular session, he took questions the audience had from the first podcast and provided clarifying, enlightening information.


L’expansion ou la relocalisation de votre entreprise en Chine

L’expansion ou la relocalisation de votre entreprise en Chine

Les investisseurs étrangers en Chine relocalisent et élargissent leurs affaires actuelles en Chine. Certes, le concept de relocalisation et d’expansion est assez simple par contre, le processus légal qui s’apparente à ces tr...


Reubicar o expandir su negocio en China

Reubicar o expandir su negocio en China

Los inversores extranjeros en China están reubicando y expandiendo sus negocios chinos. Si bien el concepto detrás de la reubicación y expansión es bastante simple, la complejidad de los procesos legales detrás de estas transicione...


Spostare la sede legale ed espandere le proprie attività in Cina

Spostare la sede legale ed espandere le proprie attività in Cina

La scelta di spostare la sede legale della propria attività in Cina puo’ avvenire per varie ragioni: un cambio nel modello di business, l’entrata in nuovi mercati, unire investimenti che prima erano “separati”, la ricerca di mi...


Verlegung und Ausweitung ihres Chinageschäfts

Verlegung und Ausweitung ihres Chinageschäfts

Viele ausländische Investoren in China verlagern entweder ihre Unternehmen in andere Gebiete oder bauen ihre bestehenden Niederlassungen aus. Während die Konzepte der Verlagerung und Erweiterung verhältnismäßig einfach sind, können ...


Relocating or Expanding Your China Business

Relocating or Expanding Your China Business

Foreign investors across China are relocating and expanding their China businesses. While the concept behind relocation and expansion is quite simple, the legal processes behind these transitions can vary largely in complexity.


Advantages for Holding Companies in Hong Kong and Singapore

Advantages for Holding Companies in Hong Kong and Singapore

The diagram illustrates the advantages of a holding company in Hong Kong and Singapore.


Compañías holding en Hong Kong y Singapur

Compañías holding en Hong Kong y Singapur

En esta edición del China Briefing, veremos más de cerca los beneficios de las compañías holding tanto de Hong Kong como de Singapur, la forma de establecer y mantener una compañía en cada una de estas jurisdicciones, y los acuerdos...


Les sociétés de holding à HongKong et Singapour

Les sociétés de holding à HongKong et Singapour

Bien qu’une variété de lieux exotiques soit excellente pour la création d’entreprises en matière d’impôt et d’efficacité administrative, en raison de la proximité géographique, une majorité de PME choisi...


Le società holding a Hong Kong e Singapore

Le società holding a Hong Kong e Singapore

Le possibilita’ di domiciliare all’estero una holding sono molto ampie in termini di localizzazioni, ma un numero sempre crescente di Piccole e Medie Imprese sceglie Hong visti gli evidenti vantaggi in termini di vicinanza al mercato cinese...

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