Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



China's Elderly Care Industry at a Glance

China's Elderly Care Industry at a Glance

This infographic shows the demographic information and statistics of elderly care institutions in China.


China's Main Supportive Policies for the Elderly Care Industry (2011-2016)

China's Main Supportive Policies for the Elderly Care Industry (2011-2016)

This infographic lists out main supportive policies that incentivize the development of the elderly care industry in recent years.


Social Insurance Percentages and Ceilings in Three Major Cities of China

Social Insurance Percentages and Ceilings in Three Major Cities of China

This infographic shows the social insurance percentages and ceilings and housing fund percentages and ceilings in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.


Payroll Processing Cycle in China

Payroll Processing Cycle in China

This infographic presents the basic elements when preparing for monthly payroll in China.


Payroll Processing Flow Chart in China

Payroll Processing Flow Chart in China

This infographic displays the necessary steps when preparing monthly payroll.


Human Resources Hierarchy in China

Human Resources Hierarchy in China

This infographic shows the hierarchy of human resources in a company in China.


Comparison of Three of the Principal Third-Party e-Commerce Platforms in China

Comparison of Three of the Principal Third-Party e-Commerce Platforms in China

This infographic compares three of the principal third-party e-commerce platforms that foreign sellers can choose from: TMall, Jingdong Mall, and Yihaodian.


Comparison of Cross Border e-Commerce Pilot Platforms

Comparison of Cross Border e-Commerce Pilot Platforms

This infographic compares two different models for cross-border e-commerce pilot platforms.


China's e-Commerce Industry at a Glance

China's e-Commerce Industry at a Glance

This infographic aims to give you a basic idea about the current e-Commerce industry in China.


China's Four Free Trade Zones at a Glance

China's Four Free Trade Zones at a Glance

China currently has four free trade zones located in Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangdong and Fujian.


The Development of China's Negative List

The Development of China's Negative List

Development of China's negative list since it was first introduced in Shanghai in 2013.


The Tax Environment in China's Free Trade Zones

The Tax Environment in China's Free Trade Zones

An insight into tax rate differences in China's FTZs, particularly CIT and IIT.

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