Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Due Diligence sur les fournisseurs, rédaction de contrats OEM, achat et vente e...

Due Diligence sur les fournisseurs, rédaction de contrats OEM, achat et vente e...

Dans ce numéro de China Briefing, nous aborderons certains des points importants à considérer lorsque l’on achète et vend en Chine.


Supplier Due Diligence,Drafting OEM Contracts, and Buying and Selling in China

Supplier Due Diligence,Drafting OEM Contracts, and Buying and Selling in China

In this issue of China Briefing we go over some important issues to consider when buying and selling in China. From handling suppliers to OEM contracts, we review effective methods for sourcing from China.


Procedimientos de Registro Pre y Post-Incorporación

Procedimientos de Registro Pre y Post-Incorporación

En esta edición de China Briefing vemos los procedimientos importantes de pre y post-registro que los inversionistas extranjeros deben tener en cuenta al establecerse en China.


Le Procedure di Pre e Post Costituzione Societaria in Cina

Le Procedure di Pre e Post Costituzione Societaria in Cina

In questo numero di China Briefing diamo uno sguardo alle principali procedure di pre e post-registrazione che gli investitori stranieri devono tenere in considerazone quando iniziano un’attività commerciale in Cina.


Les procédures d’enregistrement pré et post incorporation

Les procédures d’enregistrement pré et post incorporation

Dans ce numéro de China Briefing, nous parlerons des procédures pré et post enregistrement que les investisseurs étrangers doivent connaître lorsqu’ils s’implantent en Chine.


Pre and Post-Incorporation Registration Procedures

Pre and Post-Incorporation Registration Procedures

In this issue of China Briefing we look at the important pre and post-registration procedures foreign investors need to be aware of when setting up in China.


Oportunidades en las Industrias Emergentes de China

Oportunidades en las Industrias Emergentes de China

Con la inversión directa extranjera creciendo nuevamente en China – FDI aumentó en un 7.7 por ciento a $23.44 millardos en el primer trimestre de este año- y con China en busca de modificar las características de la inversión extr...


Opportunitá nei settori emergenti in Cina

Opportunitá nei settori emergenti in Cina

In questo numero di China Briefing andiamo a dare uno sguardo ad alcune procedure di controllo interno e di aderenza e conformità alle norme quando si opera in Cina. In primo luogo,


Investitionsmöglichkeiten in Chinas aufstrebenden Branchen

Investitionsmöglichkeiten in Chinas aufstrebenden Branchen

Nachdem die Direktinvestitionen in China Fahrt aufgenommen haben, wollen wir in dieser Ausgabe von China Briefing einige Märkte analysieren, in welchen die Möglichkeiten für FDI ansteigen. Dazu zählen unter unterem der Bereich Automotive...


Les opportunités offertes par les industries émergentes en Chine

Les opportunités offertes par les industries émergentes en Chine

Avec des investissements directs étrangers de nouveau en augmentation en Chine (ils ont augmenté de 7,7% pour atteindre 23,44 milliards lors du premier trimestre de cette année)


Opportunities in China’s Emerging Industries

Opportunities in China’s Emerging Industries

With foreign direct investment again on the rise in China – FDI increased by 7.7 percent to 23.44 billion in the first quarter of this year – and China looking to modify its catalog for foreign investment, we use this issue of China Briefin...


Business Guide to China’s Emerging Second and Third Tier Cities

Business Guide to China’s Emerging Second and Third Tier Cities

The guide book is the definitive guide to China’s second and third-tier cities. It provides a thorough and in-depth analysis, regional intelligence and overviews of fifty of China’s emerging cities, featuring economic data, infrastructure a...

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