Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Principali piattaforme e-commerce cinesi

Principali piattaforme e-commerce cinesi

La seguente tabella mostra un confronto tra le principali piattaforme e-commerce cinesi: Tmall, Yihaodian e JD.


Quick Facts about China's Internet

Quick Facts about China's Internet

This infographic shows quick facts about China's internet - such as national connection speed by province, the amount of Chinese internet users, peak hours and non-peak hours speed comparison.


Locations where Internet users access Wi-Fi in China

Locations where Internet users access Wi-Fi in China

Percentage of locations where internet users connect Wi-Fi in China.


Figures of the broadband growth rate, online duration and quantity of mobile int...

Figures of the broadband growth rate, online duration and quantity of mobile int...

This infographic shows international broadband in China and its growth rate, average weekly online duration of internet users in China and quantity of mobile internet users in China.


International Internet Gateways - China

International Internet Gateways - China

This infographic shows different types of international internet gateway provider and its bandwidth in China.


FDI Inflows of Vietnam in 2013 and 2014

FDI Inflows of Vietnam in 2013 and 2014

This infographic compares the foreign direct investment inflow to various trade blocs in 2013 and 2014.


Trans-Asia Railway Network

Trans-Asia Railway Network

This infographic shows the Trans-Asia Railway project - how China will be connected with South-East Asia in terms of railway network.


The Eastern Route - China-Vietnam-Cambodia (Railway)

The Eastern Route - China-Vietnam-Cambodia (Railway)

This infographic shows the Eastern railway route: China-Vietnam-Cambodia.


Railway and Road Corridors Connecting Central Asia

Railway and Road Corridors Connecting Central Asia

This infographic shows railway and road corridors connecting Central Asia - such as, Trans-Siberian, North-South, TRACECA and Trans-Asian railway.


Silk Road Overland & Maritime Route Map

Silk Road Overland & Maritime Route Map

This infographic shows the Silk Road sea route and Silk Road land route.


Powerful Provinces: 2014 Provincial GDP Growth Across China

Powerful Provinces: 2014 Provincial GDP Growth Across China

This infographic shows GDP of provinces across China and comparisons with countries that have relevant amount across the world.


Niche Market for Investors in China

Niche Market for Investors in China

This infographic shows 5 niche markets for investors in China - glass, waterproof materials, indoor decoration and fixtures, advanced ceramics and new wall materials.

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