Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Key Developments in Chinese Transfer Pricing Policy

Key Developments in Chinese Transfer Pricing Policy

This infographic shows the development of the Chinese transfer pricing policy.


Ease of Paying Taxes Comparison

Ease of Paying Taxes Comparison

This infographic shows a comparison between China and other countries on the ease of paying taxes according to different variables.


China's Foreign Exchange System

China's Foreign Exchange System

This infographic describes the management of the Chinese foreign exchange system by two main accounts: the current account and the capital account.


China's Financial Complexity at a Glance

China's Financial Complexity at a Glance

China's financial system is perceived as one of the most complex in Asia due to several factors such as the country's idiosyncratic regulations, on-going tax reforms, strict foreign exchange rules, and heavy transfer pricing compliance requirements.


Cómo Exportar a China a Través del E-Commerce

Cómo Exportar a China a Través del E-Commerce

En este webinar, impartido por Lorena Miera y Juan Manuel Rojas de los departamentos de Consultoría de Negocios Internacionales y Marketing de nuestras oficinas de Shanghái y Pekín, se compartirá la situación general del comercio online internac...


Cómo Exportar a China a Través del E-Commerce

Cómo Exportar a China a Través del E-Commerce

En este presentación se compartirá la situación general del comercio online internacional con China, las particularidades del mercado, las formas en las que éste se lleva a cabo, así como los canales más adecuados para acercar sus productos al ...


China's Investment Landscape: Finding New Opportunities

China's Investment Landscape: Finding New Opportunities

China’s foreign investment landscape has experienced pivotal changes this year. The Middle Kingdom can still be a challenging place to do business, but its economy has outperformed expectations. In this issue of China Briefing magazine, we examine ...


How To Implement A China Plus One Strategy

How To Implement A China Plus One Strategy

Our Senior Associates Dustin Daugherty and Maxfield Brown discuss how businesses can reduce their operating costs and access new markets by adding another location in Asia. This is known as a "China Plus One" strategy.


China Plus One in ASEAN – The How and Why

China Plus One in ASEAN – The How and Why

Our Senior Associates Dustin Daugherty and Maxfield Brown discuss how businesses can reduce their operating costs and access new markets by adding another location in Asia. This is known as a "China Plus One" strategy.


De Nouveaux Facteurs à Considérer lors de l'Etablissement d'une WFOE en Chine ...

De Nouveaux Facteurs à Considérer lors de l'Etablissement d'une WFOE en Chine ...

Dans ce numéro de China Briefing, nous tentons de guider les lecteurs à travers les différentes facettes de la structure WFOE et présentons les réformes mises en œuvre par le gouvernement chinois cette année passée, privilégiant à présent ...


Internal Control in China

Internal Control in China

While fraud is a well-known issue for foreign investors doing business in China, many companies underestimate the risks of fraud occurring from within their own organizations. The answer to limiting exposure to these risks is internal control. In thi...


The Challenges of Managing a Workforce Across Asia

The Challenges of Managing a Workforce Across Asia

Adam Livermore, Partner of Dezan Shira & Associates, speaks about the various challenges HRDs may face when managing HR admin and payroll work across various Asian countries. Solutions to overcome these problems based on real cases are further highli...

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