Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are the processes of liquidating the old Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (W...

What are the processes of liquidating the old Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (W...

The processes of liquidating the old WFOE in China are: Submit Termination application for approval;  Carry out liquidation obligations;  Deregister with all other relevant authorities.


What are the processes of liquidating the old WFOE in China in detail?

What are the processes of liquidating the old WFOE in China in detail?

The processes of liquidating the old WFOE in China are: Submit termination application for approval: to initiate the liquidation process, the WFOE should apply for the termination of the WFOE to the original approval authority; upon issuan...


What is a branch office in China?

What is a branch office in China?

A branch office is essentially an office of a wholly foreign-owned enterprise located somewhere other than the foreign-owned enterprise’s main office location. Branches are easier to set up and be maintained, but limited in many ways, such a...


What are the alternatives to setting up another WFOE in China?

What are the alternatives to setting up another WFOE in China?

Foreign investors with an existing China WFOE that are willing to establish a presence in another destination, be it expansion or relocation, may wish to consider establishing a branch office, or another popular expansion option is the “conv...


How do you set up a branch office in China?

How do you set up a branch office in China?

The process of establishing a branch office is essentially an abbreviated WFOE setup.  Establishing a branch does not require approval from the Ministry of Commerce, rather, the branch can be directly registered with the Administration of Indus...


What can a representative office (RO) do in China?

What can a representative office (RO) do in China?

An RO is only permitted to engage in the following activities: Market surveys, product or service displays and promotional activities related to the products or services of its head office; Liaison activities in connection with produ...


What are the two types of fapiaos in China?

 What are the two types of fapiaos in China?

Fapiaos can mainly be sorted into two categories – general invoices and VAT invoices. Although the two are often used interchangeably, there are notable differences between the two that consumers should be aware of. Firstly, the latter can b...


What are the internal control frameworks in China?

What are the internal control frameworks in China?

China has enacted a similar version of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in 2008, namely the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control (Caikuai [2008] No.7). The scope of the Basic Standard applies to: Companies that are concurrently listed in the d...


What are the internal audit frameworks in China?

What are the internal audit frameworks in China?

Compared with the international framework, the Chinese internal audit framework is more focused on financial-audit definition. This may render the internal audit result under the Chinese system not as reliable as the international one, due to its ...


What are the key concerns in auditing for annual compliance by representative of...

What are the key concerns in auditing for annual compliance by representative of...

The key steps are audit, tax filing and annual reporting to the Administration of Industry and Commerce. For audit, a few aspects would deserve attention: Whether the balance of the representative office is equivalent to that in the ba...


What are the main concerns in tax filing and reporting to Administration of Indu...

What are the main concerns in tax filing and reporting to Administration of Indu...

The key steps are audit, tax filing and annual reporting to the Administration of Industry and Commerce. For tax filing, the key concerns would be: Since the responsibility for tax filing rests on the taxpayer’s shoulder, taxpaye...


What are the main concerns for auditing by joint-venture companies or other fore...

What are the main concerns for auditing by joint-venture companies or other fore...

The main concerns that joint-venture companies or other foreign-invested enterprises should pay heed to are: The completion of annual financial statement and auditor’s report should be before end of April in order to make time for th...

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