Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Who can conduct an HR audit?

Who can conduct an HR audit?

An HR audit can be conducted internally, if the organization’s own staff have the competence and the expertise necessary to do it. However, it is suggested that the organization hires outside legally-qualified counsel to perform the audit, beca...


How often is it recommended to conduct HR audits?

How often is it recommended to conduct HR audits?

It is advisable to conduct HR audits on an annual basis. This solution might not seem viable, but in reality, conducting an HR audit on a regular basis reduces the time and effort needed, because the amount of HR documentation needed to be discovered...


What is an employee handbook?

What is an employee handbook?

An employee handbook is a document that stipulates all company rules, regulations, and operations, as well as obligations and expectations of employees. It can be an effective method to communicate the company’s organization philosophy to all l...


Under Chinese law, what should be included in the employee handbook?

Under Chinese law, what should be included in the employee handbook?

China has no laws that specifically and definitively govern the content of an employee handbook, so it is ultimately the responsibility of the employer to decide what is included. Given the legal and operational importance of the employee handbook, i...


Analyse de la Réforme de la TVA en Chine

Analyse de la Réforme de la TVA en Chine

Début 2012, la Chine a débuté une réforme massive de son système fiscal en lançant le remplacement de sa “taxe sur les affaires” (“business tax” ou “BT”) par la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (“TVA”). Avant cette réforme, la TVA n...


What SMEs need to know: Tax and Accounting Update 2016-2017

What SMEs need to know: Tax and Accounting Update 2016-2017

In this presentation, Senior Associate of Dezan Shira & Associates’ International Business Advisory team, Maria Kotova, gives an update on tax and accounting in China in 2016. VAT Reform and Transfer Pricing are analyzed in depth and are presented ...


Evaluating China's VAT Reform

Evaluating China's VAT Reform

At the beginning of 2012, China began a massive overhaul of its tax system by initiating the replacement of business tax (BT) with value-added tax (VAT). Prior to the reform, VAT was levied only on the sale and import of tangible goods and on the pro...


China's VAT Reform Implementation Timeline

China's VAT Reform Implementation Timeline

This Prezi provides a timeline of China's VAT reforms since the promulgation of it's Five Year Plan in 2008.


Diagnosing China’s Healthcare Industry

Diagnosing China’s Healthcare Industry

In this webinar, international business advisory manager Riccardo Benussi provides an introduction to the healthcare industry in China, breaking down investment trends, market entry concerns and regulations, current hurdles, and case studies in the m...


Diagnosing China's Healthcare Industry

Diagnosing China's Healthcare Industry

In this webinar, international business advisory manager Riccardo Benussi will provide an introduction to the healthcare industry in China, breaking down investment trends, market entry concerns and regulations, current hurdles, and case studies in t...


Comparison of China's Old Business Tax and New Value-added Tax Rates for Recentl...

Comparison of China's Old Business Tax and New Value-added Tax Rates for Recentl...

This infographic offers information on the percentage rates of the Value-added Tax (VAT) for General VAT as well as Small-scale VAT taxpayers.


China's VAT Reform Implementation Timeline

China's VAT Reform Implementation Timeline

This infographic provides a timeline of China's Value-added tax reform from 2008 to 2018.

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