Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What is an employee handbook?

What is an employee handbook?

An employee handbook is a document that stipulates all company rules, regulations, and operations, as well as obligations and expectations of employees. It can be an effective method to communicate the company’s organization philosophy to all l...


Under Chinese law, what should be included in the employee handbook?

Under Chinese law, what should be included in the employee handbook?

China has no laws that specifically and definitively govern the content of an employee handbook, so it is ultimately the responsibility of the employer to decide what is included. Given the legal and operational importance of the employee handbook, i...


Why has the Chinese government shifted from the business tax (BT) to the value-a...

Why has the Chinese government shifted from the business tax (BT) to the value-a...

In 2016, the value-added tax (VAT) has effectively replaced the business tax (BT) as China’s only indirect tax.  The transition is part of an effort by the Chinese government to create a service-oriented economy that is no longer centered ...


As of November, 2016, what industries were recently placed under China’s value...

As of November, 2016, what industries were recently placed under China’s value...

As of November, 2016, the construction, lifestyle, finance, and real estate industries were brought under the value-added tax (VAT) system.  While under the business tax (BT), these four service sectors made up 80 percent of total BT revenue.&nb...


What are some of the differences between China’s value-added tax (VAT) zero-ra...

What are some of the differences between China’s value-added tax (VAT) zero-ra...

Both China’s VAT zero-rates and VAT exemption rates are exempt from output VAT.  However, unlike with the exemption VAT, under the zero-rated VAT the input VAT that is attributable to cross-border services can either be refunded or credite...


What is the difference between the general fapiao and the special VAT fapiao?

What is the difference between the general fapiao and the special VAT fapiao?

General fapiao are issued after a purchase, and they are split into the categories of personal and company fapiao.  These categories allow the government to know who can claim the amount indicated in the purchase.  General fapiao are far si...


What is the significance of China’s Circular 36?

What is the significance of China’s Circular 36?

Circular 36 was the final piece of China’s VAT reform, bringing all industries under the VAT, and effectively eliminating China’s business tax.  The VAT reform has been rolled out nationwide, and in 2018 the government is expected to...


What was the average growth rate of China’s food and beverage market between 2...

What was the average growth rate of China’s food and beverage market between 2...

Today, China’s food and beverage market is the largest in the world.  From 2009 to 2014, China’s food and beverage market saw an average growth rate of 30%.  As demand for higher quality products increases, the nation finds itse...


Why does China rely heavily on imported food products?

Why does China rely heavily on imported food products?

A large part of China’s reliance on imported food products stems from four major issues within the country.  First off, China is the most populous nation on earth, and only 11% of China’s land is suitable for farming.  The secon...


What are some of the enduring challenges in China’s food and beverage industry...

What are some of the enduring challenges in China’s food and beverage industry...

China’s food and beverage industry has more potential for foreign investment than ever before.  However counterfeit goods and an underdeveloped infrastructure continue to threaten the industry’s growth.  China is seeing a trend ...


What measures has the Chinese government undertaken in response to multiple scan...

What measures has the Chinese government undertaken in response to multiple scan...

To help combat domestic food quality issues, the Chinese government has revised the 2015 Food Safety Law.  This revision adds almost 50 new regulations, and amends 90% of those previously in place in an effort to tighten food safety standards, f...


How will China’s revised 2015 Food Safety Law affect foreign businesses in Chi...

How will China’s revised 2015 Food Safety Law affect foreign businesses in Chi...

China’s revised 2015 Food Safety Law cuts down the number of regulations in China’s food industry.  The regulatory environment will be easier to understand and simpler for foreign businesses to navigate.  However, as China becom...

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