Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What is Vietnam?s E-commerce Administration Portal and how does it aid businesse...

What is Vietnam?s E-commerce Administration Portal and how does it aid businesse...

Companies and investors that wish to establish an e-commerce website in Vietnam must first notify the Ministry of Industry and Trade of their intent, and apply to be registered with the government. Vietnam has created the E-commerce Administration Po...


What requirements must be met to obtain a Production License in China?

What requirements must be met to obtain a Production License in China?

To obtain a Production License, an enterprise must: • Possess a business license, as well as technical personnel and production conditions suited to the product in question; • Have in place an effective system of inspection, qualit...


What is the difference between "show business" and the "entertainment industry?"...

What is the difference between

There are a few critical structural differences between the West’s culture of “show business” and China’s administrative definition of the “entertainment industry” (娱乐业). Show business encompasses a plethora ...


Why is business scope important when entering China?s entertainment industry?

Why is business scope important when entering China?s entertainment industry?

A company’s business scope is a one-sentence description of the industry or industries it is authorized to operate in. It defines a company’s operations in China and is important because there is a large legal risk of disingenuously opera...


What did the 2014 VAT reform change for businesses in the entertainment industry...

What did the 2014 VAT reform change for businesses in the entertainment industry...

As of January 2014, taxation for “Modern Services” was made subject to Value-added Tax (VAT) rather than the previous Business Tax (BT). “Modern Services” includes radio, film and television production, distribution and broadc...


How do foreign film quotas operate in China?

How do foreign film quotas operate in China?

There are two foreign film quotas in China—a revenue-sharing quota and a flat-fee quota. Although the revenue-sharing quota has grown over the past twenty years, it is still lower than that of many other countries. Currently the revenue-sharing...


Does China have a rating system for censoring its movies?

Does China have a rating system for censoring its movies?

China does not have a rating system for motion pictures therefore movies must be deemed appropriate for all audiences. Under official regulations, censorship of motion pictures is meant to promote Confucian morality, political stability and social ha...


What are HR challenges for the entertainment industry in China?

What are HR challenges for the entertainment industry in China?

There are numerous HR challenges for entertainment companies depending on the length of employment, the nationality of employees, the risk of occupational injury and so forth. Obtaining visas for short-term performers can be similar to obtaining a wo...


When does a company need to apply for their special license in China?

When does a company need to apply for their special license in China?

Application for special licenses usually takes place after the name pre-approval step but before a company establishment application is submitted to the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM). MOFCOM will check that the applicant has obtained the relevant lic...


Which enterprises need to obtain a Production License in China?

Which enterprises need to obtain a Production License in China?

Enterprises must obtain a product license for the manufacture, sale or commercial use of certain industrial products in China. According to the administrative regulations on production licensing of industrial products promulgated by China’s Sta...


How have wages for Chinese people developed in China and what does the future lo...

How have wages for Chinese people developed in China and what does the future lo...

In recent years, the Chinese government has been pushing for pay increases to retain public support and boost domestic consumption. Wages have also risen as millions of Chinese move from the countryside into the cities, and as employers struggle to f...


Where do tier-two and three consumers spend their money in China?

Where do tier-two and three consumers spend their money in China?

According to Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and insights into human behavior, the top four areas where tier-two and three consumers are spending their spare cash are: new clothing, dining out, education funds and into saving deposi...

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