Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What were the main changes addressed in the Revised Negative List?

What were the main changes addressed in the Revised Negative List?

The most significant changes were made to the financial industry.Foreign investment is now freely permitted in investment banks, financial companies, trust companies, and currency brokerage companies. In the healthcare industry, foreign invest...


How is the logistics industry affected by the Shanghai Free Trade Zone?

How is the logistics industry affected by the Shanghai Free Trade Zone?

The benefits of the Shanghai FTZ for the logistics industry have the potential to affect all businesses that rely on moving goods to or from China. In terms of numbers, prior to their incorporation as the Shanghai FTZ, the city’s four designate...


What policies were introduced in the FTZ's original Framework Plan for the logis...

What policies were introduced in the FTZ's original Framework Plan for the logis...

• Relaxation of restrictions on cargo relay via Shanghai Port by foreign ships owned or indirectly owned by Chinese-invested enterprises. • Relaxation of limitations on the share of foreign ownership in ship management enterprises, under w...


How has the FTZ affected Air Transshipment?

How has the FTZ affected Air Transshipment?

Air Cargo into the FTZ flows through the Pudong Airport Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, where giants such as China Cargo Airlines, Lufthansa Cargo and UPS have all established operations. DHL was selected as the first company to set up international t...


How have customs policies been affected by the FTZ?

How have customs policies been affected by the FTZ?

The FTZ offers several Customs policies to benefit logistics operations in the Zone. Companies are afforded the option of delivering overseas shipments to the Zone using just a shipping bill, rather than a formal customs declaration. As of March of t...


Tipologia di visti cinesi ? 2015

Tipologia di visti cinesi ? 2015

La tabella riporta i cambiamenti principali del 2013 in materia di visti per la Cina.


Demografia degli stranieri in Cina per nazionalita' ? 2015

Demografia degli stranieri in Cina per nazionalita' ? 2015

Lo schema riporta i dati relativi alle dieci nazioni di provenienza alle quali appartengono la maggior parte degli stranieri che risiedono nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese.


Presenza degli stranieri per province cinesi - 2015

Presenza degli stranieri per province cinesi  - 2015

La maggior parte dei lavoratori stranieri in Cina risiede nelle citta’ di primo livello, le cosidette first-tier cities, e sono impiegati da multinazionali.


What have been 21st century trends in the growth of China?s entertainment indust...

What have been 21st century trends in the growth of China?s entertainment indust...

China’s entertainment industry has grown tremendously in the 21st century as a result of numerous political and economic factors. During the financial crisis of 2008-2009, Chinese policymakers strived to find ways to diversify the Chinese econo...


China's Entertainment Industry at a Glance

China's Entertainment Industry at a Glance

This infographic divides the entertainment industry into different sectors by revenues and also explains about the drivers of growth.


Wages & GDP per Capita Across Asia

Wages & GDP per Capita Across Asia

This infographic compares minimum monthly wage, average monthly wage and GDP per Capita across various Asian countries.


Comparison of Sourcing Models in China

Comparison of Sourcing Models in China

This infographic compares the two sourcing models available for foreign investors in China: representative office and foreign-invested commercial enterprise.

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