Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What types of joint ventures (JVs) are available for foreign firms and investors...

What types of joint ventures (JVs) are available for foreign firms and investors...

Entering into a joint venture (JV) with a local company can provide benefits such as brand exposure for foreign firms in the Indian market while avoiding the risks associated with establishing local branches or subsidiaries. Licensing JVs entail an I...


What is the state of India?s retail market and why does it represent such an ent...

What is the state of India?s retail market and why does it represent such an ent...

With the number of potential Indian consumers well over one billion, retail in India presents a substantial opportunity for foreign investors. From 2010-2012 the sector grew by over 10 percent annually, with analysts predicting a compound annual grow...


Why do many investors resort to acquisitions to establish operations in India, a...

Why do many investors resort to acquisitions to establish operations in India, a...

Acquiring an existing Indian firm to facilitate entry into India offers advantages to foreign investors such as reduced supply chain and establishment costs, a pre-existing sales base and a rapid establishment of market position, to name a few. Howev...


Passage to India: Selling to India's Consumer Market

Passage to India: Selling to India's Consumer Market

In this issue of India Briefing Magazine, we explore several key growth sectors and industries that enhance India’s appeal to foreign companies seeking out new markets for their products and services. For overseas firms exploring the diverse ran...


Quali sono le alternative alla manodopera cinese?

 Quali sono le alternative alla manodopera cinese?

Negli ultimi anni la concorrenza per la produzione finalizzata all’esportazione sta iniziando a farsi sentire nei diversi paesi asiatici, ove i costi fissi sono generalmente inferiori rispetto alla Cina. Due paesi che rappresentano una valid...


India?s new political party and its economic implications presented by Chris Dev...

India?s new political party and its economic implications presented by Chris Dev...

Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Founder of Dezan Shira & Associate, provides insight into the political consequences of Modi's new government in India and its economic implications towards western investors


Quali aree di libero scambio sono presenti in Asia?

Quali aree di libero scambio sono presenti in Asia?

L’accordo ASEAN-Cina (ASEAN-Cina Free Trade Zone o ACFTA) è una convenzione tra la Cina e i 10 paesi membri dell’ASEAN. Tale convenzione azzera le tariffe su 7881 categorie di prodotti (90% dei prodotti importati). Questo azzera...


Qual è il maggior vantaggio di avere una società con base nell?area ASEAN?

Qual è il maggior vantaggio di avere una società con base nell?area ASEAN?

Una società con base nell’area ASEAN può trarre vantaggio non soltanto dalla riduzione delle imposte e dal libero scambio tra i paesi membri, ma anche da quelle attraenti convenzioni contro la doppia imposizione e per il libero...


Cos?è la Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)?

Cos?è la Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)?

La RCEP è un blocco commerciale di 16 paesi il quale includerà i 10 membri dell’ASEAN più Cina, India, Giappone, Corea del Sud, Australia e Nuova Zelanda. Una volta reso effettivo, avrà come effetto l’abbass...


India Briefing Magazine February 2014 Issue:Taking advantage of India FDI Reform...

India Briefing Magazine February 2014 Issue:Taking advantage of India FDI Reform...

Gunjan Sinha, Dezan Shira alumna, discusses the recent changes in FDI regulations in India and how to benefit from them.


India Briefing Magazine, April 2014: An Introduction to India's Audit Process

India Briefing Magazine, April 2014: An Introduction to India's Audit Process

Gunjan Sinha, Dezan Shira alumna, discusses the annual audit process in India. She covers the auditing objectives, major types of audits, IFRS/IAS convergence, as well as how to detect fraud along with key consideration a foreign investor should take...


Key differences between the IFRS/IAS and current India AS

Key differences between the IFRS/IAS and current India AS

This infographic details the key differences between the International Financial Reporting Standards/International Accounting Standards and the current Indian Accounting Standards.

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