Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Major Advantages for Using Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries in India

Major Advantages for Using Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries in India

Eight Advantages for Using Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries in India


What is the Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN)?

What is the Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN)?

The Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN) is a mandatory ten digit alphanumeric code for all persons who deduct tax at source, which must be cited during the process of deduction. Application forms and instructions for obtaining a TAN can be found on go...


Key Features of Different Entities under Indian Law

Key Features of Different Entities under Indian Law

For different entities, key features are different under Indian Law.


What types of social insurances do India's social security schemes cover?

What types of social insurances do India's social security schemes cover?

Generally, India's social security schemes cover the following types of social insurances: Pension Health Insurance and Medical Maternity Gratuity Disability  


What are the main types of pension offered in India?

What are the main types of pension offered in India?

Four main types of pension (all monthly) are offered: Pension upon superannuation or disability; Widows' pension for death while in service; Children' s pension; and Orphan' s pension In addition, there are separate pension funds for civil s...


What is The Employees? Provident Fund Organization?

What is The Employees? Provident Fund Organization?

The Employees' Provident Fund Organization under the Ministry of Labor and Employment ensures superannuation pension and family pension in case of death during service. It comprises of private sector workers, civil servants, military personnel and em...


What are the schemes The Employees? Provident Fund Organization uses and who do ...

What are the schemes The Employees? Provident Fund Organization uses and who do ...

The schemes under the Employees' Provident Fund Organization apply to businesses with at least 20 employees. Contributions to the Employees' Provident Fund Scheme are obligatory for both employer and employee when the employee is earning up to INR6,5...


What is the compensation to employees or their families in cases of employment-r...

What is the compensation to employees or their families in cases of employment-r...

The Workmen's Compensation Act requires the employer to pay compensation to employees or their families in cases of employment related injuries resulting in death or disability. Compensation calculation depends on the situation of occupational disab...


How long is the maternity period in India and what is the compensation on it?

How long is the maternity period in India and what is the compensation on it?

The Maternity Benefit Act requires an employer to offer maximum of 12 weeks of average daily wages during maternity (including the day of her delivery and six weeks immediately following that day) as well as paid leave in certain other connected cont...


Types of Permanent Establishment under Indian Law

Types of Permanent Establishment under Indian Law

There are three types of permanent establishment under Indian law: Fixed Place PE, Agency PE, and Service PE.


What does salary in India include?

What does salary in India include?

Section 17 of the Income Tax Act defines salary to include: Wages Pensions or Annuities Gratuities Advance of Salary Any fee, commission, perquisites (the value of rent-free accommodation provided by the employer or...


How are wages paid in India and how do they vary?

How are wages paid in India and how do they vary?

Wages vary considerably, depending on industry, company size and region. The national minimum wage of India is currently at INR115 (US$2.24) per day (effective from April 1, 2011); though this varies by state. Companies use both time and piece ...

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