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Entwicklungszonen in Asien

Entwicklungszonen in Asien

Die Infografik stellt kurz und knapp die einzelnen Entwicklungszonen in asiatischen Ländern dar.


Why should we utilize Indian special economic zones?

Why should we utilize Indian special economic zones?

With the Special Economic Zones Act 2005 and Special Economic Zones rules in place, the streamlined and simplified Indian Special Economic Zones provide the following advantages: Generation of additional economic activities; Promotion of export g...


What kinds of special economic zones are there in India and what can a foreign e...

What kinds of special economic zones are there in India and what can a foreign e...

There are 4 of them: Special Economic Zones for Multiple Sectors – They are areas where manufacturing, trading and warehousing business may be set up within two or more sectors; Special Economic Zones for Specific Sectors – They are s...


What are the land requirements on setting up a business in Indian special econom...

What are the land requirements on setting up a business in Indian special econom...

The zones are subject to the following conditions: Special Economic Zones for Multiple Sectors – Area rent out must be more than 1,000 hectares with 50% or above being industrial area; Special Economic Zones for Specific Sectors – Are...


Is there any advice for conducting business in Indian special economic zones?

Is there any advice for conducting business in Indian special economic zones?

Here are a couple of advices: Indian authorities love seeking paper-work discrepancies. So, make sure all your documents and manifests are precise and correctly labeled. Hire an import-export expert if necessary. Some Zones are operated privately...


What are the permitted foreign direct investment (FDI) activities in India?

What are the permitted foreign direct investment (FDI) activities in India?

FDI is allowed up to 100 percent for all manufacturing industries, except: • Arms and ammunition, explosives and allied items of defense equipment, aircraft and warships; • Atomic substances; • Narcotics and psychotropic substances and...


What are the incentives to operate in Indian special economic zones?

What are the incentives to operate in Indian special economic zones?

Benefits and facilities offered in these zones are: Duty free import/ domestic procurement of goods for the development, operation and maintenance of Special Economic Zones units; 100 percent income tax exemption on export income for Special Econ...


How does Indian general anti-avoidance rules work?

How does Indian general anti-avoidance rules work?

Indian General Anti-Avoidance Rules relies heavily on the “substance over form” principle. It addresses directly the issue of tax avoidance. Under this new regime, the regulating ambit of transfer pricing will be widened, which will inclu...


What taxes, other than corporate income tax and capital gains tax, might a forei...

What taxes, other than corporate income tax and capital gains tax, might a forei...

The chief tax concern other than those mentioned would be service tax, which is currently charging a rate at 10 percent, with three percent as education cess on the value of total tax.   A dividends distribution tax is applicable on the distri...


What is service tax under Indian law?

What is service tax under Indian law?

Service tax is applicable to taxable services, at a rate around 13 percent. However, a small service provider whose value of taxable services is less than 1,000,000Rs in the previous financial year will be exempted. Currently, the Central Board ...


How are allowances taxed in India?

How are allowances taxed in India?

In Indian taxation law, allowances are generally not taxable, given that they match certain specification and do not exceed certain amount. They can be given for house rent, transport, medical care, meal coupons, leave-time travel and education.


How could the status of suppliers be known to foreign investors in India?

How could the status of suppliers be known to foreign investors in India?

India holds an exceptional public record system. It is thus very easy to find relevant information of your suppliers therefrom. Here is a list that would help inspire: Company and personnel information (including share capital and tax issues); Co...

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