Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



How should a company auditor prepare the audit report in India?

How should a company auditor prepare the audit report in India?

The company auditor is required to prepare the audit report as per the conditions set out in the Company Auditor’s Report Order 2003, which requires auditors to report on various aspects of the company, including, among other things, fixed asse...


How should a foreign-invested entity prepare for annual audit in India?

How should a foreign-invested entity prepare for annual audit in India?

There are a couple of steps that are recommendable for preparing annual audit in India. The foreign company should: Brief the auditors on the nature of your business, the background of it, the business activities you carry out and to what extent y...


What should a foreign company expect auditors to perform for Indian audit?

What should a foreign company expect auditors to perform for Indian audit?

The auditors should perform the following: They will verify whether the opening balances have been carried forward correctly from the previous year’s audited financial statements. They will examine the purchasing procedures and make sure th...


What are the major taxes in India?

What are the major taxes in India?

There are four major taxes for foreign-invested enterprise in India: Corporate income Tax; Goods and Service Tax Reform; Capital Gains Tax; and Others.


How is capital gains tax levied in India?

How is capital gains tax levied in India?

The applicable tax rate to business income of non-resident is around 42 percent. When the income from a sale is classified as business income under Indian law, then it will be taxable in India, only if such income accrues or arises in India or is att...


Corporate Tax Rates in India and China

Corporate Tax Rates in India and China

The graph compares the Corporate Taxes between India and China.


India's Foreign-Invested Entity Market Entry Option

India's Foreign-Invested Entity Market Entry Option

The table compares the foreign-invested entity market entry options in India


Emerging Asian Market Evaluation: China, India and Vietnam

Emerging Asian Market Evaluation: China, India and Vietnam

The map shows the advantages and disadvantages of the emerging market in Asia


Investire dalla Cina verso India e Vietnam

Investire dalla Cina verso India e Vietnam

Con il continuo aumentare dei costi operativi e di gestione in Cina, sempre più società stanno riflettendo sulla possibilità di trasferire o espandere parte delle proprie strutture produttive o di acquisto, attualmente in Cina, in altri merc...


Expanding Your China Business to India and Vietnam

Expanding Your China Business to India and Vietnam

As operational costs in China continue to rise, an increasing number of companies are looking at either relocating or moving part of their China-based facilities to lower cost markets elsewhere in emerging Asia. This makes sense since China itself is...


What is a project office in India?

What is a project office in India?

A project office in India is a branch office set up with a limited goal for a specific project. It permits the company to establish a presence for a certain period of time. The project of a project company is crucial to its existence. The project ha...


What are the advantages of using wholly owned subsidiary or joint venture compan...

What are the advantages of using wholly owned subsidiary or joint venture compan...

Both solutions will take form of a limited liability company, which will have a separate legal personality, from the parent company. This will effectively provide the foreign company total control, limited liability and much less restrictions on the ...

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