Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground
Predicted Growth in ASEAN Medical Device Market
- September 2014
- Free Access
This chart displays a country by country comparison for predicted growth in the medical device industry across ASEAN.
ASEAN Tariff Lines
- September 2014
- Free Access
This chart shows a country-by-country comparison of tariff lines for ASEAN members.
Tax Update in Emerging Asia
- September 2014
- Members Access
Regional Director Richard Cant discusses China and India tax updates together with a larger Asia tax comparator.
Aliquote di Imposta sul Reddito della Persone Fisiche in Asia
- August 2014
- Free Access
Questo infographic mostra e confronta le diverse aliquote sul reddito di persone fisiche in: Cina, Hong Kong, India, Singapore e Vietnam.
Quali sono i tipi di Visti d?affare per il Vietnam?
- August 2014
- Free Access
I tipi di visto sono: B2: per l’attuazione di progetti di invstimento già autorizzati dalle amministrazioni statali vietnamite: B3: per lavorare presso aziende vietnamite: B4: per lavorare presso uffici di rapprese...
Quali sono le condizioni che esonerano il cittadino straniero dalla necessit de...
- August 2014
- Free Access
Lavorare in Vietnam per un periodo inferiore a 3 mesi; Essere socio di una società a reposnsabilita limitata (LLC) in Vietnam con due o più soci; Essere il propietario di una LLC con un solo socio; Essere un mem...
What are some of the rules and regulations surrounding transfer pricing in Vietn...
- August 2014
- Free Access
According to Circular 66/2010/TT-BCT, the company needs to submit the transfer pricing declaration application together with its annual corporate income tax return. The company is also recommended to take any some significant steps so that they ...
What are the rules and regulations regarding environment protection tax (EPT) in...
- August 2014
- Members Access
Environment protection tax (EPT) is tax that is levied on goods that have the possibility to harm the environment such as gasoline, coal and other chemicals. Environment Protection Tax is an indirect tax which is applicable to certain kinds of g...
Quali sono le zone di sviluppo in Vietnam?
- July 2014
- Free Access
Le zone di sviluppo in Vietnam sono: Zone Industriali: tali zone si specializzano nella produzione di prodotti industriali e l’offerta di servizi a loro rivolti. Si stabiliscono all’interno di confini geografici definiti in acc...
IDE divisi per attivit economica
- July 2014
- Free Access
Questo infographic descrive il capitale totale registrato per diverse attività economiche.
Importieren nach Asien
- July 2014
- Members Access
In dieser Ausgabe von Asia Briefing befassen wir uns mit dem Thema des Imports von Gütern nach China, Vietnam und Indien. Viele der asiatischen Staaten haben sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten von Billiglohnländern zu Staaten mit Konsumgesells...
How does a value-added tax differ from a sales tax?
- July 2014
- Free Access
A value- added tax (VAT) occurs multiply times throughout a product’s or service’s supply chain. Unlike a sales tax which is imposed on the end buyer, whenever goods or supplies change hands a tax is placed on the value added by each part...
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