Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Freihandelsabkommen in Asien wirksam nutzen

Freihandelsabkommen in Asien wirksam nutzen

In unserem aktuellen Magazin „Freihandelsabkommen in Asien wirksam nutzen“ beschäftigen wir uns mit Freihandelsabkommen in Asien. Debatten über den Abbau von Zöllen und anderen Handelsbarrieren zur Erleichterung des Handels werden oft auf mult...


Comparador de los tipos impositivos en ASEAN para los años 2016/2017

Comparador de los tipos impositivos en ASEAN para los años 2016/2017

En esta edición de ASEAN Briefing, examinamos la fiscalidad regional de ASEAN a través de la comparación de impuestos de sociedades, impuestos indirectos y retención de impuestos. Además les presentamos el resumen de los diferentes marcos de cum...


E-Commerce in Asia

E-Commerce in Asia

As the digital revolution transforms shopping habits worldwide, emerging markets in Asia stand out as enormous opportunities for foreign investment. Rising internet penetration, a growing consumer base, and rapidly developing logistics infrastructure...


Bekannte Routen, neue Ziele - Chinas Initiative ,Neue Seidenstraße'

Bekannte Routen, neue Ziele - Chinas Initiative ,Neue Seidenstraße'

Zum zweiten Quartal 2016 veröffentlichen wir das Magazin „Bekannte Routen, neue Ziele – Chinas Initiative ‚Neue Seidenstraße´“, in der wir über die institutionelle Ausrichtung der Volksrepublik China auf der OBOR berichten. Hierbei gehen ...


Revisione contabile e compliance in Vietnam

Revisione contabile e compliance in Vietnam

In questo numero di Vietnam Briefing, mostriamo le più recenti modifiche alle procedure di revisione e forniamo indicazioni su come garantire che le attività di compliance siano completate in modo efficiente ed efficace. Ci soffermeremo in particol...


The 2016/17 ASEAN Tax Comparator

The 2016/17 ASEAN Tax Comparator

In this issue of ASEAN Briefing, we examine regional taxation in ASEAN through a comparison of corporate, indirect, and withholdings taxation. We further present an overview of the compliance environments found across the region and analyze ASEAN’s...


Remitting Profits from Vietnam

Remitting Profits from Vietnam

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing, we outline existing regulations on remittance and provide guidance on how to ensure compliance in order to repatriate profits in a timely fashion. We highlight relevant government bodies, outline steps required to s...


Managing ASEAN Expansion from Singapore

Managing ASEAN Expansion from Singapore

For the second issue of our ASEAN Briefing Magazine, we look at the benefits of using Singapore a hub for the management of regional operations throughout ASEAN. We firstly focus on the position of Singapore relative to its competitors, such as the N...


China-Plus Strategien Teil 2: Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippinen

China-Plus Strategien Teil 2: Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippinen

Wie im ersten Teil unserer Serie „China-Plus Strategien“ stellen wir Ihnen die Möglichkeiten und Notwendigkeiten einer Expansion innerhalb Asiens vor. Dabei sind in manchen Bereichen die Unterschiede innerhalb Asiens ebenso groß, wie der Unters...


La Cintura Economica della Via della Seta

La Cintura Economica della Via della Seta

In questo numero di Asia Briefing presentiamo le principali caratteristiche della Cintura Economica della Via della Seta, evidenziando nel dettaglio il percorso via terra in Asia Centrale e quello via mare nel Sud-Est Asiatico. Nei prossimi decenni, ...


Come sfruttare la Supply Chain del Vietnam

Come sfruttare la Supply Chain del Vietnam

In questo numero di Vietnam Briefing, discutiamo dei vantaggi del mercato di questo Paese rispetto ad altri nella regione ed evidenziamo dove e come realizzare investimenti di successo. Esaminiamo i programmi di riduzione tariffaria previsti dal NAFT...


Annual Audit and Compliance in Vietnam 2016

Annual Audit and Compliance in Vietnam 2016

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing, we address pressing changes to audit procedures in 2015, and provide guidance on how to ensure that compliance tasks are completed in an efficient and effective manner. We highlight the continued convergence of VAS ...

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