Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Navigating the Vietnam Supply Chain

Navigating the Vietnam Supply Chain

In this edition of Vietnam Briefing, we discuss the advantages of the Vietnamese market over its regional competition and highlight where and how to implement successful investment projects. We examine tariff reduction schedules within the ACFTA and ...


Import & Export in Vietnam: settori chiave e accordi di libero scambio

Import & Export in Vietnam: settori chiave e accordi di libero scambio

In questo numero di Vietnam Briefing, esaminiamo gli aspetti chiave dell'import e dell'€™export del Paese, focalizzato sul tessile, sulla telefonia e sulla componentistica delle automobili. Inoltre, analizziamo le opportunità  per il Vietnam alla...


Import & Export in Vietnam: Key Industries & Free Trade Agreements

Import & Export in Vietnam: Key Industries & Free Trade Agreements

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing magazine, we discuss the key aspects of Vietnam’s import and export landscape, focusing on textiles, telephones and computer products, and automotive parts. We then analyze opportunities for Vietnam among its in...


Bestimmungen zu Verrechnungspreisen in Asien

Bestimmungen zu Verrechnungspreisen in Asien

China hat Anfang dieses Jahres weitere zwingende Auflagen an Verrechnungspreise für ausländische Firmen aufgestellt. Insbesondere die Priorität eines aussagekräftigen Funktionsnachweis, welcher Verrechnungen über Staatsgrenzen hinweg g...


Investing in Vietnam: Corporate Entities, Governance and VAT

Investing in Vietnam: Corporate Entities, Governance and VAT

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing, we highlight the forms of corporate presence available to foreign investors in Vietnam. We take a look at the country’s system of corporate governance, and discuss how the form of presence a company chooses aff...


Payroll in Asia 2015

Payroll in Asia 2015

Payroll covers all aspects of paying a company’s employees. This includes making sure that salaries are paid in the correct amount and on time, that income tax is withheld, and that social security contributions are made. With a region as fast-p...


China, India & Vietnam: Setting Up in Asia’s Investment Hotspots

China, India & Vietnam: Setting Up in Asia’s Investment Hotspots

In this issue of Asia Briefing Magazine, we have set out to produce a guide to investing and establishing a business in Asia, focusing on the markets of China, India and Vietnam. We begin by analyzing how investment is treated in specific industries ...


E-Commerce in Vietnam: Trends, Tax Policies & Regulatory Framework

E-Commerce in Vietnam: Trends, Tax Policies & Regulatory Framework

In this issue of Vietnam Magazine, we aim to provide readers with a complete understanding of Vietnam’s e-commerce industry. We begin by highlighting existing trends in the market, paying special attention to scope for foreign investment. We the...


HR Administration: Labor Contracts, Visas and Termination Procedures

HR Administration: Labor Contracts, Visas and Termination Procedures

In this issue of Asia Briefing, we set out to provide readers with a basic understanding of how to navigate the HR procedures of China, India and Vietnam. We begin by introducing the most common employment contract structures in each of these countri...


Using Vietnam's Free Trade & Double Tax Agreements

Using Vietnam's Free Trade & Double Tax Agreements

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing we explore how Vietnam’s Free Trade Agreements - and especially those via its membership in ASEAN - will affect foreign investment into Vietnam. We then examine the specific, bilateral Double Tax Agreements that...


Import and Export: A Guide to Trade in Vietnam

Import and Export: A Guide to Trade in Vietnam

In this issue of Vietnam Briefing Magazine, we provide you with a clear understanding of the current business trends related to trade in Vietnam, as well as explaining how to set up your trading business in the country. We also attempt to give perspe...


La Shanghai Free Trade Zone compie un anno. Come è cambiato il quadro per gli i...

La Shanghai Free Trade Zone compie un anno. Come è cambiato il quadro per gli i...

Nel secondo numero di Asia Briefing, l’Italian Desk di Dezan Shira & Associates orienta gli operatori italiani nella panoramica sulla Shanghai Free Trade Zone, ad un anno dalla sua inaugurazione.

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