Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Eine Einführung in Asiens Entwicklungszonen

Eine Einführung in Asiens Entwicklungszonen

Der politische Einsatzvon Entwicklungszonenin ihren unterschiedlichenErscheinungsformenist ein wirksamesModell, welches besonders in den letzten 25 Jahren durch China einen Bekanntheitsgrad erreicht hat und welches sowohl für ausländische Inves...


Introduzione alle zone di investimento in Asia

Introduzione alle zone di investimento in Asia

In questo numero di Asia Briefing, analizzeremo i vari tipi di zone economiche e aree per investimenti disponibili in Cina, India e Vietnam, illustrandone caratteristiche e vantaggi principali. Presenteremo poi una fotografia delle più recenti eco...


An Introduction to Development Zones Across Asia

An Introduction to Development Zones Across Asia

The use of development zones in their different guises has been an effective model essentially brought to prominence by China over the past 25 years to help both foreign investors and domestic companies meet in a relationship that provides tax advant...


Investire dalla Cina verso India e Vietnam

Investire dalla Cina verso India e Vietnam

Con il continuo aumentare dei costi operativi e di gestione in Cina, sempre più società stanno riflettendo sulla possibilità di trasferire o espandere parte delle proprie strutture produttive o di acquisto, attualmente in Cina, in altri merc...


Expanding Your China Business to India and Vietnam

Expanding Your China Business to India and Vietnam

As operational costs in China continue to rise, an increasing number of companies are looking at either relocating or moving part of their China-based facilities to lower cost markets elsewhere in emerging Asia. This makes sense since China itself is...


ASEAN 2015: Siete Pronti?

ASEAN 2015: Siete Pronti?

L’Asia offre un panorama molto più ampio della sola Cina, India e Vietnam: le opportunità sono presenti sia nell’Asia stessa sia oltre oceano, verso Stati Uniti, Europa, Medio Oriente, America del Sud e specialmente verso la cosiddett...


La Guida fiscale per l’Asia

La Guida fiscale per l’Asia

In un’Asia sempre più interconnessa, molti investitori stranieri stanno puntando oltre la Cina, facendo tesoro della loro esperienza nel regno di mezzo, per comprendere le possibilità di investimento in paesi come India e Vietnam.


Annual Compliance and Audit

 Annual Compliance and Audit

In Vietnam, the standard tax year is typically the calendar year, and therefore the deadline for foreign-owned entities to submit audited financial reports to the relevant authorities is March 31. These reports are generally submitted to licensing au...


The Asia Tax Comparator

 The Asia Tax Comparator

In an increasingly inter-connected Asia, many foreign investors are looking beyond China, using the lens of their China experiences to understand the investment environment in countries like India and Vietnam.


Human Resources for Foreigners in Vietnam

Human Resources for Foreigners in Vietnam

A Vietnamese entity is permitted to recruit foreign workers in order to work as managers, executive directors and experts where local hires are not yet able to meet production and business requirements.


Doing Business in Vietnam

Doing Business in Vietnam

Earlier in its development process than many countries, Vietnam is learning from other countries’ reform experiences and utilizing its late mover advantage in technology introduction. As labor costs rise elsewhere, many investors look to Vietnam...


Vietnam's Provinces, Regions and Key Economic Zones

Vietnam's Provinces, Regions and Key Economic Zones

While not a large country in terms of area, Vietnam’s longitudinal breadth and variations in terrain allow the country to utilize its topographical advantages to simultaneously support a wide range of industries.

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