Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Перенос Вашего Производства во Вьетнам

Перенос Вашего Производства во Вьетнам

В этом выпуске журнала Вьетнам Брифинг мы рассмотрим способы планирования вашего переезда, а также варианты выхода на рынок Вьетнама. З...


Crash Course on Starting a Business in Malaysia

Crash Course on Starting a Business in Malaysia

Watch our webinar, Crash Course on Starting a Business in Malaysia, to learn about the market and business fundamentals in Malaysia.


Investment Opportunities in Vietnam 2021

Investment Opportunities in Vietnam 2021

Watch our webinar, Investment Opportunities in Vietnam 2021, where Filippo Bortoletti, our Senior Manager of International Business Advisory, provided investors with a holistic overview of Vietnam’s economy and shares his advice on Vietnam market e...


Investire in Vietnam 2021

Investire in Vietnam 2021

Il 2020 è un anno che le aziende difficilmente dimenticheranno a causa della pandemia che ha interrotto le catene di approvvigionamento globali, con conseguenti perdite di affari significative. Tuttavia, il Vietnam è riuscito a raggiungere una cres...


How to Set Up a Factory in Vietnam: From Location to Compliance

How to Set Up a Factory in Vietnam: From Location to Compliance

Many foreign investors looking into Vietnam may be overwhelmed when considering available options. In this webinar, Dustin Daugherty, Head of North American Business Development, broke down the regions of Vietnam and addressed their strengths and wea...


Gateway to Singapore: Guide to Singapore Employment Permits 2021

Gateway to Singapore: Guide to Singapore Employment Permits 2021

In this webinar, Gateway to Singapore: Guide to Singapore Employment Permits 2021, Marcos Salgado, Manager based in Singapore, delivered a webinar to guide foreign corporations through the complexity of obtaining work passes in Singapore and prov...


Investir au Vietnam 2021

Investir au Vietnam 2021

Statistiques démographiques, Economie du Vietnam et investissements directs à l’étranger, Régions économiques clés, Accords de libre-échange, Comment monter une activité, Se conformer à la législation fiscale et à la réglementation comp...


Episode 1 and 2:The Ultimate Guide to China's Corporate Taxes 2021

Episode 1 and 2:The Ultimate Guide to China's Corporate Taxes 2021

Episode 2: China's Free Trade Zones (FTZ) and Tax Laws Hannah Feng covers the tax advantages of Free Trade Zones (FTZ) in China 2021. The role of Free Trade Zones What are the main preferential tax policies? What are the different Free...


Indonesia’s Omnibus Law and New Investment List: New Opportunities for Foreign...

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law and New Investment List: New Opportunities for Foreign...

Following the enactment of the highly anticipated Omnibus Law, Dezan Shira & Associates and the Indonesian Ministry of Investment RI/BKPM held a webinar on May 27 to examine the key changes that it brings to foreign investment in Indonesia.


Investing in Indonesia 2021

Investing in Indonesia 2021

Investors who prefer a visual way to learn about Indonesia can use these infographics for their benefit and enjoy a complimentary download here.


Investieren in Vietnam 2021

Investieren in Vietnam 2021

2020 ist ein Jahr, welches sicherlich nicht in Vergessenheit geraten wird. In welches die Unternehmen wegen der weltweiten Störung der Lieferketten durch die Pandemie, die zu erheblichen wirtschaftlichen Verlusten führte. Nichtsdestotrotz konnte Vi...


Shifting Tides: What’s Next for China, Vietnam, Singapore, and Hong Kong in 20...

Shifting Tides: What’s Next for China, Vietnam, Singapore, and Hong Kong in 20...

Marco Förster, International Business Advisory Manager, shares updates on the improving business environment and increasing scope of opportunities that China, Vietnam, Singapore, and Hong Kong offer to foreign investors.

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