Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are the benefits for foreign companies who establish a business in Vietnam?

What are the benefits for foreign companies who establish a business in Vietnam?

Due to the ASEAN AEC (ASEAN Economic Community), tariffs on goods traded between Vietnam and China will drop to zero in most instances, this will create low labour cost in Vietnam.


Are there any applicable tax or free trade agreements in Vietnam?

Are there any applicable tax or free trade agreements in Vietnam?

Yes, Vietnam has a very specific trade advantage. As a full member of ASEAN – it is privy to any FTA that ASEAN collectively signs. This includes a comprehensive FTA with China that effectively reduces tariffs on 90 percent of all products trad...


How do Vietnamese wages compare against China and Asia?

How do Vietnamese wages compare against China and Asia?

Wages in Vietnam are roughly 30 percent of those working in major manufacturing hubs in China. In other words, Chinese workers earn at least double the wages of workers in other emerging Asian manufacturing hubs. 


Are there any additional incentives for foreign enterprises in Vietnam?

Are there any additional incentives for foreign enterprises in Vietnam?

Yes, Vietnam is currently trying to attract more FDI to its country by reducing the Corporate Income Tax. The current tax is 22 percent; however, this is expected to be reduced to 20 percent by the end of 2015.


VAT in Vietnam

VAT in Vietnam

Insight knowledge about the VAT in Vietnam is shown in the following Prezi


UST in Vietnam

UST in Vietnam

Wichtige Informationen über die Mehrwertsteuer in Vietnam wird in dieser Prezi vermittelt.


Indiens Foreign-Invested Enterprise Markteintrittsmöglichkeite

Indiens Foreign-Invested Enterprise Markteintrittsmöglichkeite

Für die Gründung einer FIE gibt diese Prezi einen Überblick über den Gründungsprozess


Gründung einer Handelsgesellschaft in Vietnam

Gründung einer Handelsgesellschaft in Vietnam

Diese Prezi zeigt die notwendigen Schritte zur erfolgreichen Gründung einer Handelsgesellschaft in Vietnam


Establishing a Trading Company in Vietnam

Establishing a Trading Company in Vietnam

This prezi outlines the steps and additional relevant information about establishing a trading company in Vietnam


Guida al Sourcing in Asia - 2015

Guida al Sourcing in Asia - 2015

In questo numero di Asia Briefing, analizziamo i cambiamenti nel mercato asiatico del sourcing attraverso analisi approfondite dei salari e delle localita’ in cui i prodotti sono realizzati ed esportati, evidenziando le opzioni disponibili per s...


Establishing a Holding Company in Singapore

Establishing a Holding Company in Singapore

The steps of incorporating a holding company and the requirements for incorporation is outlined in following videographic.


Gründung einer Holding in Singapur

Gründung einer Holding in Singapur

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