Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Lohnenswerte Industrien in ASEAN

Lohnenswerte Industrien in ASEAN

ASEAN Staaten wachsen stetig an und diese Prezi zeigt die lohnenswertesten 4 Inudstrien.


Foreign-Invested Entity Market Entry Options in Vietnam

Foreign-Invested Entity Market Entry Options in Vietnam

This Prezi discusses the different foreign-invested entity (FIE) market entry options that a business can choose when entering Vietnam.


Markteintrittsoptionen für ausländisch investierte Unternehmen in Vietnam

Markteintrittsoptionen für ausländisch investierte Unternehmen in Vietnam

Dieses Prezi informiert über die verschiedenen ausländische investitions Möglichkeiten (FIE) Markt Eintrittsoptionen, welche Unternehmen auswählen können um in den vietnamesischen Markt einzutreten.


Wages & GDP per Capita Across Emerging Asia

Wages & GDP per Capita Across Emerging Asia

This infographic compares GDP per capita and wages from two perspectives: the average minimum wage and the overall average wage across emerging Asia.


Vietnam's Double Tax Avoidance Agreements as of March 2015

Vietnam's Double Tax Avoidance Agreements as of March 2015

This infographic lists out all the countries that Vietnam has current double tax avoidance agreements with as of March 2015.


Under what circumstances are new start-up companies entitled to tax exemptions i...

Under what circumstances are new start-up companies entitled to tax exemptions i...

The start-up company must be incorporated in Singapore, be a tax resident in Singapore and have no more than 20 shareholders for the YA. The shareholders must hold the shares directly under their own names and be individuals beneficially. If they are...


What are the two main methods by which Singapore and its treaty partners grant r...

What are the two main methods by which Singapore and its treaty partners grant r...

There are two main methods which are used including the credit method and the exemption method. The credit method means that Singapore will grant a foreign tax credit to an entity that has paid taxes on business profits derived in the source state. T...


What basic requirements need to be met to establish a holding company as a priva...

What basic requirements need to be met to establish a holding company as a priva...

The company must have at least one shareholder, but not more than 50 and it can be a person or a legal entity. The entity also has to have at least one director and company secretary who is a Singaporean resident and the paid-up capital must be at le...


What are the current regulations as of 2014 with regards to name registration fo...

What are the current regulations as of 2014 with regards to name registration fo...

The company name is not allowed to conflict with any existing company name on the UEN website or contain any sensitive words. It should contain the words "Private Limited" or its Malay translation "Sendirian Berhad." It should be noted that if words...


Who can take advantage of the benefits of the double tax agreements (DTAs) in Si...

Who can take advantage of the benefits of the double tax agreements (DTAs) in Si...

Only Singapore residents or Singapore treaty partners can benefit from the double tax agreements in Singapore. In fact, you also have to obtain a Certificate of Residence (COR) from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore before you can claim benef...


What are the key industries for FDI in ASEAN?

What are the key industries for FDI in ASEAN?

Electronics Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Textiles and Apparel Medical Devices


What makes ASEAN attractive for FDI?

What makes ASEAN attractive for FDI?

ASEAN’s demographics, growing consumer markets, treaty networks and low tax rates make it a preferred destination for FDI. ASEAN has a population of over 600 million, and currently has a “demographic dividend” – the ratio wher...

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