Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Singapore and Sri Lanka

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Singapore and Sri Lanka

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Singapore and Sri Lanka


Asia Briefing Magazine, January 2014 Issue: "Payroll Processing Across Asia

Asia Briefing Magazine, January 2014 Issue:

Sisi Xu, Senior Manager in Dezan Shira and Associates Shenzhen office, introduce payroll from a financial and legal perspective.


What aspect should be cautioned when using holding companies for Chinese or ASEA...

What aspect should be cautioned when using holding companies for Chinese or ASEA...

It must be noted that compliance with anti-avoidance tax rules from Hong Kong and Singapore is a must. The key to such compliance is to show that the holding company is a genuine business, i.e.: there must be economic substance to justify this tax...


What are the tax incentives for Hong Kong and Singapore holding companies?

What are the tax incentives for Hong Kong and Singapore holding companies?

Since both Hong Kong and Singapore have double taxations agreements with China and ASEAN countries, the withholding tax rate for profit repatriation to these two locations would normally be reduced. An instance would be that the Chinese withholding t...


Why are Hong Kong and Singapore holding companies attractive to foreign investor...

Why are Hong Kong and Singapore holding companies attractive to foreign investor...

In terms of ease of doing business, both locations take the stance of protecting investors and facilitating cross-border trade, by providing highly transparent business environment and favorable tax regime to businesses. Also, with English being the ...


Vietnam Briefing Magazine, February 2014 Issue: ?A Guide to Understanding Vietna...

Vietnam Briefing Magazine, February 2014 Issue: ?A Guide to Understanding Vietna...

This issue of Vietnam Briefing aims to clarify the entire VAT, short for value-added tax, process by taking you through an introduction as to what VAT is, liabilities that come with it, and how to pay it properly.


Valutazione dei mercati dell'Asia emergente: Cina, India e Vietnam

Valutazione dei mercati dell'Asia emergente: Cina, India e Vietnam

La Cina non è l'unica risposta per la produzione orientata all'export e l'evoluzione del commercio asiatico dimostra che i modelli industriali e la supply chain sono in continua evoluzione e spostamento fra diversi paesi.


Opzioni per l'entrata nel mercato Vietnamita con entità a partecipazione estera

Opzioni per l'entrata nel mercato Vietnamita con entità a partecipazione estera

Questo infographic confronta diversi veicoli d’ingesso per gli investimenti in Vietnam.


Hong Kong e Singapore: possibili holdings per investimenti in Asia?

Hong Kong e Singapore: possibili holdings per investimenti in Asia?

Tassazione a confronto: Hong Kong e Singapore


Investire in zone speciali in Vietnam: le procedure di registrazione

Investire in zone speciali in Vietnam: le procedure di registrazione


Zone di sviluppo in Asia: Cambogia, Cina e India

Zone di sviluppo in Asia: Cambogia, Cina e India


Zone di sviluppo in Asia: Vietnam, Laos, Singapore, Thailandia e Indonesia

Zone di sviluppo in Asia: Vietnam, Laos, Singapore, Thailandia e Indonesia

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