Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are the projected e-commerce trends for Vietnam in 2015?

What are the projected e-commerce trends for Vietnam in 2015?

According to Vietnam's E-commerce and Information Technology Agency (VECITA), by 2015 the e-commerce sales in the country will amount to more than US$25 billion. Current sales are estimated at around US$2.2 billion (2014), with average spending of US...


What is Vietnam?s E-commerce Administration Portal and how does it aid businesse...

What is Vietnam?s E-commerce Administration Portal and how does it aid businesse...

Companies and investors that wish to establish an e-commerce website in Vietnam must first notify the Ministry of Industry and Trade of their intent, and apply to be registered with the government. Vietnam has created the E-commerce Administration Po...


What requirements must be met to obtain a Production License in China?

What requirements must be met to obtain a Production License in China?

To obtain a Production License, an enterprise must: • Possess a business license, as well as technical personnel and production conditions suited to the product in question; • Have in place an effective system of inspection, qualit...


When does a company need to apply for their special license in China?

When does a company need to apply for their special license in China?

Application for special licenses usually takes place after the name pre-approval step but before a company establishment application is submitted to the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM). MOFCOM will check that the applicant has obtained the relevant lic...


Which enterprises need to obtain a Production License in China?

Which enterprises need to obtain a Production License in China?

Enterprises must obtain a product license for the manufacture, sale or commercial use of certain industrial products in China. According to the administrative regulations on production licensing of industrial products promulgated by China’s Sta...


How have wages for Chinese people developed in China and what does the future lo...

How have wages for Chinese people developed in China and what does the future lo...

In recent years, the Chinese government has been pushing for pay increases to retain public support and boost domestic consumption. Wages have also risen as millions of Chinese move from the countryside into the cities, and as employers struggle to f...


Where do tier-two and three consumers spend their money in China?

Where do tier-two and three consumers spend their money in China?

According to Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and insights into human behavior, the top four areas where tier-two and three consumers are spending their spare cash are: new clothing, dining out, education funds and into saving deposi...


What is the outline of China?s retail sector right now?

What is the outline of China?s retail sector right now?

Currently, China’s retail sector is fragmented. Small independent stores dominate the retail landscape, with the top 100 retailers accounting for only 11 percent of total retail sales. For a long time, companies only set up stores in the downto...


What are the requirements for setting up a foreign-invested commercial enterpris...

What are the requirements for setting up a foreign-invested commercial enterpris...

To set up a retail store in China, foreign investors must first (or concurrently) register a foreign-invested commercial enterprise. According to the 2004 FICE regulations, setting up a FICE requires applicants to meet the following criteria: Have...


What is the minimum amount of capital needed to establish a foreign-invested com...

What is the minimum amount of capital needed to establish a foreign-invested com...

While in theory the new Company Law suggest that a FICE may be established with US$1 of capita, in practice, this is not a good idea for the following reason: a FICE’s capital should cover its pre-operational expenses (including rental fees, ta...


How long is the application process to establish a foreign-invested commercial e...

How long is the application process to establish a foreign-invested commercial e...

Depending on the region of registration, planned business scope, and complexity of the business plan, the application process to establish a FICE generally takes five to six months and can be divided into two parts: pre-registration, i.e., what happe...


How can a company in China concurrently establish a foreign-invested commercial ...

How can a company in China concurrently establish a foreign-invested commercial ...

Where the foreign investor wishes to apply for the opening of a shop concurrently with the establishment of the FICE, the proposed shop must conform to the urban and commercial development plans of the city where it is situated, for which a document ...

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