Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



DBA in Asien

DBA in Asien

Die Grafik verdeutlicht wie die asiatischen Staaten mit dem Rest der Welt anhand der Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen verknüpft sind.


Steuerregelungen Hongkong und Singapur

Steuerregelungen Hongkong und Singapur

Die Grafik vergleicht Steuerregelungen zwischen Hongkong und Singapur


Cross Border Transactions Profit Repatriation and Funding of SMEs in China

Cross Border Transactions Profit Repatriation and Funding of SMEs in China

A presentation by Senior Manager Hannah Feng discussing foreign exchange, taxes and VAT reform in China.


Wieso ein Standort in Hongkong?

Wieso ein Standort in Hongkong?

Unternehmen in Hongkong erhalten vor allem attraktive Steuervorteile und durch die enge Beziehung zu China, auch deren Abkommen mit anderen Nationen. Außerdem ermöglicht ein Sitz in Hongkong den Zugang zum Partnerschaftsabkommen üb...


Taxation & Accounting: What SMEs Should Know for the Year 2013-2014

Taxation & Accounting: What SMEs Should Know for the Year 2013-2014

This presentation by Richard Cant, Regional Director, will address a number of taxation and accounting related topics for SMEs in China.


Tax Update in Emerging Asia

Tax Update in Emerging Asia

Regional Director Richard Cant discusses China and India tax updates together with a larger Asia tax comparator.


Hong Kong & Singapore Holding Companies

Hong Kong & Singapore Holding Companies

Fabian Kopf, Senior Associate, presents the benefits of holding companies for FDI and will guide you through the company set up and annual compliance processes in Hong Kong and Singapore.


The Implications of Hong Kong?s New Companies Ordinance for Private Businesses

The Implications of Hong Kong?s New Companies Ordinance for Private Businesses

Constance Chang, manager of company secretarial service in Dezan Shira & Associates’ Hong Kong Office provides insights into the new Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and its implications for private businesses.


Flow chart of change of business scope of Chinese company

Flow chart of change of business scope of Chinese company

This infographic details the steps that need to be taken when changing the business scope of a company.


Tax Burdens of Paying Dividends from China to Overseas

Tax Burdens of Paying Dividends from China to Overseas

This infographic shows the tax burdens when dividends are being paid out of China to overseas.


Quali sono i veicoli d?ingresso a partecipazione estera per investire in Vietnam...

Quali sono i veicoli d?ingresso a partecipazione estera per investire in Vietnam...

Esistono 5 veicoli d’ingresso per gli investimenti stranieri in Vietnam: Società a responsabilità limitata, LLC: In tale società i soci rispondono soltato per i debiti della società nella misura del capita...


Cos? la Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)?

Cos? la Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)?

La RCEP è un blocco commerciale di 16 paesi il quale includerà i 10 membri dell’ASEAN più Cina, India, Giappone, Corea del Sud, Australia e Nuova Zelanda. Una volta reso effettivo, avrà come effetto l’abbass...

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