Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Foreign Direct Investments into China (Jan-Aug 2018)

Foreign Direct Investments into China (Jan-Aug 2018)


Exemption Threshold for Preparing Master File and Local File

Exemption Threshold for Preparing Master File and Local File

All companies carrying out trade or business in Hong Kong are required to prepare master and local file reports for accounting periods beginning on or after April 1, 2018, unless they meet one of the exemption thresholds available, as shown in the ta...


Hong Kong Trade

Hong Kong Trade

This infographic shows the countries Hong Kong exports to and imports from.


Singapore - Hong Kong Cost Comparison

Singapore - Hong Kong Cost Comparison

This infographic makes a comparison between the costs in Hong Kong and Singapore.


Comparison Between Taxation in Singapore and Other Countries

Comparison Between Taxation in Singapore and Other Countries

This table shows a comparison between tax rate, witholding tax, holding company in Singapore and in other countries.


Pre Investment Approval Timeline in Vietnam

Pre Investment Approval Timeline in Vietnam

This infograph shows the pre investment approval timeline in Vietnam.


Vietnamese Protection of Intellectual Property

Vietnamese Protection of Intellectual Property

This infograph shows the Vietnamese protection of intellectual property, both domestic and international.


Vietnamese Protection of Intellectual Property

Vietnamese Protection of Intellectual Property

This infograph shows the Vietnamese protection of intellectual property, both domestic and international.


Tax Rate, Allowance and Deductions in Hong Kong

Tax Rate, Allowance and Deductions in Hong Kong

This infograph shows the tax rate, allowance and deductions in Hong Kong.


Tax Rate, Allowance and Deductions in Hong Kong

Tax Rate, Allowance and Deductions in Hong Kong

This infograph shows the tax rate, allowance and deductions in Hong Kong.


Documents to be Maintained for Financial Statements by Type of Transaction

Documents to be Maintained for Financial Statements by Type of Transaction

This infographic shows the documents that need to be maintained for financial statement by type of transaction.


Hong Kong's Existing Comprehensive DTAs

Hong Kong's Existing Comprehensive DTAs

These infographics show a list of the existing comprehensive DTAs in Hong Kong.

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