Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Использование Сингапура как базы для расши...

Использование Сингапура как базы для расши...

В этом выпуске журнала АСЕАН Брифинг мы рассматриваем эффективную процедуру регистрации компании в Сингапуре и сравниваем Гонконг и Си...


Audit and Compliance in ASEAN: Prepare for 2022

Audit and Compliance in ASEAN: Prepare for 2022

In this issue of ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of the audit and compliance requirements in ASEAN’s six largest economies. We then explore the length of IFRS adoption in ASEAN and provide answers to often asked questions about ASEA...


Investire in Indonesia 2021

Investire in Indonesia 2021

L’edizione 2021 di questa guida infografica fornisce una brillante introduzione al panorama degli investimenti in Indonesia e agli aspetti chiave per intraprendere un business nel Paese.


Crash Course on Starting a Business in Indonesia 2021

Crash Course on Starting a Business in Indonesia 2021

It is an exciting time to start your investment in Indonesia. In this webinar, Jennifer Halim, our Senior Associate of International Business Advisory, guides investors through the fundamentals of doing business in Indonesia.


ASEAN Talent and HR Compensation Benchmarking

ASEAN Talent and HR Compensation Benchmarking

In this issue of the ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of current talent availability in ASEAN, and future factors that will impact human resource development in the region. We then explore hiring costs in the bloc before finally focusi...


Indonesia’s Omnibus Law and New Investment List: New Opportunities for Foreign...

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law and New Investment List: New Opportunities for Foreign...

Following the enactment of the highly anticipated Omnibus Law, Dezan Shira & Associates and the Indonesian Ministry of Investment RI/BKPM held a webinar on May 27 to examine the key changes that it brings to foreign investment in Indonesia.


Investing in Indonesia 2021

Investing in Indonesia 2021

Investors who prefer a visual way to learn about Indonesia can use these infographics for their benefit and enjoy a complimentary download here.


Adopting a China+1 Strategy in ASEAN: Diversifying Supply Chains to Minimize Ris...

Adopting a China+1 Strategy in ASEAN: Diversifying Supply Chains to Minimize Ris...

In our recent webinar, Saponti Baroowa, Business Intelligence Associate Director, discussed why companies are increasingly moving away or planning to move operations from China. He highlighted the main strengths of five major ASEAN economies - Indone...


Opportunities for Foreign Investors in Indonesia’s Digital Economy

Opportunities for Foreign Investors in Indonesia’s Digital Economy

In this issue of the ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of Indonesia’s digital economy, its vibrant startup scene, and how investors can utilize Singapore as a base for expansion into the country. We then analyze Indonesia’s new laws...


Contributi e finanziamenti all’internazionalizzazione

Contributi e finanziamenti all’internazionalizzazione

Se il vostro progetto di internazionalizzazione è pronto, ma necessita di un finanziamento per poter essere realizzato, vi proponiamo mensilmente una serie di opportunità che possono fare al caso vostro: un flash sui principali finanzia...


Establishing an Effective Corporate Compliance Program in Indonesia in 2021

Establishing an Effective Corporate Compliance Program in Indonesia in 2021

To help companies better understand key legislation governing business compliance liabilities in Indonesia and effectively comply with them in a timely manner, Jennifer Halim, our International Business Advisory Senior Associate in Indonesia, discuss...


Protect Your Intellectual Property in ASEAN and China - Key Legal Considerations...

Protect Your Intellectual Property in ASEAN and China - Key Legal Considerations...

In this webinar, Riccardo and Marcos discuss key characteristics of the IP legal framework across Southeast Asia and China. They also shared guidance on how investors can better protect their brands and IP when doing business in these fast-growing ec...

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