Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Il mercato cinese: nuove strategie ed opportunità di investimento ai tempi del ...

Il mercato cinese: nuove strategie ed opportunità di investimento ai tempi del ...

Unitevi all'evento online di Dezan Shira & Associates, ospitato da Salone d'Impresa, che si terrà il 30 novembre prossimo, nel corso del quale verranno approfondite le tendenze emergenti sia in Cina che nell'ASEAN nel 2021, oltre al prossimo Piano Q...


Investing in Indonesia 2020

Investing in Indonesia 2020

This collection of infographics aims to provide potential investors with an overview of Indonesia's economy, FDI, demographic, main industries, processes for setting up a business, among other pertinent information and data.


Market Opportunities and Entry Strategies in Southeast Asia

Market Opportunities and Entry Strategies in Southeast Asia

On September 9, we joined forces with Acclime, MPG, EnterPH, Sleek and Greenhouse Co. to deliver a webinar discussing "Market Opportunities and Entry Strategies in Southeast Asia." About this event Located at the heart of the Asia-Pacific...


Estructuras societarias en Indonesia para constituir una sociedad como extranjer...

Estructuras societarias en Indonesia para constituir una sociedad como extranjer...

Preguntas y respuestas Inversión extranjera directa de Indonesia (Opciones de estructuración)


Business Recovery in ASEAN After COVID-19

Business Recovery in ASEAN After COVID-19

Southeast Asia has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic as much of the rest of the world. In response, countries across the ASEAN bloc have issued various stimulus packages containing incentives and new regulations to mitigate the economic impact...


COVID-19: Impact, Response and Opportunities in Indonesia

COVID-19: Impact, Response and Opportunities in Indonesia

As Indonesia, along with other countries, continues to fight the COVID-19 curve, its government remains active in taking steps to address the pandemic. Many measures have been taken to combat COVID-19 and boost the nation’s economy, such as through...


Trade War Incentives in ASEAN

Trade War Incentives in ASEAN

In this webinar, Dustin Daugherty introduced the various incentive schemes and improvements in investment environments ASEAN countries have implemented to capitalize on shifting supply chains and rising costs. He then provided a side-by-side comparis...


Garantire l’efficienza del business in Cina durante l’epidemia da coronaviru...

Garantire l’efficienza del business in Cina durante l’epidemia da coronaviru...

A circa un mese dall’inizio della crisi gli effetti generati dall’epidemia stanno mostrando ripercussioni sulla gestione delle societa` cinesi. Valeria Manunza, dall’ufficio Dezan Shira & Associates’ di Milano, intervista e discute con Riccar...


What are the minimum wages in ASEAN?

What are the minimum wages in ASEAN?

Minimum wages in ASEAN - Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Brunei, Myanmar (Burma), Laos.


Relocating Your Business from China to ASEAN

Relocating Your Business from China to ASEAN

ASEAN countries have become an alluring destination for Chinese-based businesses looking to benefit from the cost-savings of relocating all or part of their production facilities to Southeast Asia amid the brewing US-China trade war. In this issue of...


Setting up in Indonesia

Setting up in Indonesia

After overcoming the Asian financial crisis in 1998, Indonesia developed into a vibrant democracy with the largest and most dynamic economy in Southeast Asia. The country’s GDP has grown at a consistent pace at just above five percent in the past y...


Indonesia’s E-Commerce Sector – Market Potential and Challenges

Indonesia’s E-Commerce Sector – Market Potential and Challenges

Indonesia’s e-commerce industry holds a lot of promise for foreign investors. The country has more than 130 million internet users and a burgeoning consumer market riding on the growing accessibility of mobile internet in the country. Known as Asia...

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