Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Vietnam’s VAT Refund Optimization: Strategic Approaches and Best Practices

Vietnam’s VAT Refund Optimization: Strategic Approaches and Best Practices

Vietnam's tax landscape can be challenging, particularly with Value Added Tax (VAT) refund procedures. These processes involve strict compliance and extensive documentation, posing challenges for foreign businesses. Despite recent efforts by the Mini...


Managing your Company in Dubai: Financial, Tax and Compliance Requirements

Managing your Company in Dubai: Financial, Tax and Compliance Requirements

Join us as we explore the evolving regulatory environment in Dubai, a city synonymous with innovation and growth. As businesses increasingly expand their footprint in the Middle East, staying compliant with Dubai's regulatory requirements is essentia...


Cost Reduction Strategies in China

Cost Reduction Strategies in China

Cost reduction and efficiency improvement remain top priorities for businesses, especially in China’s current business environment. Implementing effective strategies for reducing costs and enhancing efficiency is crucial for survival, maintaining a...


Navigating Profit Repatriation in China's Foreign Exchange Environment

Navigating Profit Repatriation in China's Foreign Exchange Environment

China's stringent foreign exchange controls tightly govern the movement of funds in and out of the country, creating substantial obstacles for foreign businesses aiming to repatriate profits from their subsidiaries. These controls are reinforced by a...


At a Crossroads for Your China Business - When and How to Survive, Right-size, o...

At a Crossroads for Your China Business - When and How to Survive, Right-size, o...

Kyle Freeman will discuss options to navigate challenges in China and empower your decision-making team to make informed decisions for your existing company in China.


Analyzing India's Union Budget 2024-2025: Implications and Opportunities for You...

Analyzing India's Union Budget 2024-2025: Implications and Opportunities for You...

On July 31 as Rohit Kapur, Managing Director, Dezan Shira and Associates - India discussed the key announcements of the budget, the impact on foreign companies doing business in India while outlining key aspects of India’s investor-friendly busines...


An Introduction to Doing Business in Singapore 2024

An Introduction to Doing Business in Singapore 2024

This publication, designed to introduce the fundamentals of investing in Singapore, was compiled by Dezan Shira & Associates, a specialist foreign direct investment practice providing corporate establishment, audit, business advisory, tax advisory an...


An Introduction to Doing Business in Indonesia 2024

An Introduction to Doing Business in Indonesia 2024

This publication, designed to introduce the fundamentals of investing in Indonesia, was compiled by the experts at Dezan Shira & Associates, a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business intelligence, ta...


Navigating Indian Tax Laws: Implications for Businesses in 2024

Navigating Indian Tax Laws: Implications for Businesses in 2024

India, as one of the world's fastest-growing economies, presents lucrative opportunities for global investors. However, navigating the complexities of the Indian business landscape, particularly in terms of taxation, can be challenging. Understanding...


Goods and Services Taxes in India 2024

Goods and Services Taxes in India 2024

India's Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime has significantly altered the landscape of indirect taxation in the country, aiming to streamline processes and reduce cascading tax. We discuss how the system works for goods and services trade, applicable...


Mastering Tax Compliance, Accounting Standards, and Audit Practices in Vietnam 2...

Mastering Tax Compliance, Accounting Standards, and Audit Practices in Vietnam 2...

Professional tax planning remains pivotal for companies entering the Vietnamese market in 2024. Given the intricate and evolving nature of Vietnam's tax system, proactive tax planning is imperative. It equips stakeholders with a profound understandin...


[CN] Investing and Doing Business in Vietnam | 投资越南 - 展望 2024

[CN] Investing and Doing Business in Vietnam | 投资越南 - 展望 2024

事实证明,2023 年对全球经济来说是充满挑战的一年,越南也未能完全免受其影响。尽管由于全球逆风造成出口减少和需求抑制,越南4.7%的GDP增长低于预期,但战略措施和有利条件为越南在2...

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