Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Compliance in China: New Company Law Impacts on Foreign-Invested Enterprises (FI...

Compliance in China: New Company Law Impacts on Foreign-Invested Enterprises (FI...

Effective from July 1, 2024, the sixth revision of China’s Company Law represents a sweeping overhaul of China’s existing Company Law. From stricter capital injection rules and enhanced corporate governance to the company liquidation proc...


[SP] La Nueva Ley de Sociedades de China: ¿Qué Necesitas Saber a Partir del 1 ...

[SP] La Nueva Ley de Sociedades de China: ¿Qué Necesitas Saber a Partir del 1 ...

La sexta revisión de la Ley de Sociedades de China, que entrará en vigor el 1 de julio de 2024, representa una reforma exhaustiva de la Ley de Sociedades existente en China y tendrá impacto directo en las empresas de inversi&oacu...


[IT] Conformarsi alla riforma del diritto societario cinese: implicazioni e scad...

[IT] Conformarsi alla riforma del diritto societario cinese: implicazioni e scad...

Alla fine del 2023, il Comitato permanente del Congresso nazionale del popolo (NPC) ha adottato una modifica al diritto societario cinese. La nuova versione della legge sulle società, che entrerà in vigore il 1° luglio 202...


India’s Top 5 Investment Destinations: Strengths and Opportunities for Foreign...

India’s Top 5 Investment Destinations: Strengths and Opportunities for Foreign...

Kyle Freeman, Partner at Dezan Shira & Associates, will introduce the most promising investment locations in India, their strategic strengths, and opportunities for foreign firms.


An Introduction to Doing Business in Hong Kong 2024

An Introduction to Doing Business in Hong Kong 2024

Hong Kong is the premier hub and gateway for businesses to trade with, invest in, and access the wider China and Asia regions. Compiled by the professionals at Dezan Shira & Associates, the Doing Business in Hong Kong 2024 guide introduces the fundam...


[Workshop] Tapping the GBA-ASEAN Corridor and its Unique Supply Chain Dynamics

[Workshop] Tapping the GBA-ASEAN Corridor and its Unique Supply Chain Dynamics

This event is supported by European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. In a world defined by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), companies are actively pursuing innovative approaches to ensure resilience and sustain...


Doing Business in Indonesia 2024: Elections, Industry Trends & Capital City Relo...

Doing Business in Indonesia 2024: Elections, Industry Trends & Capital City Relo...

As the largest economy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia offers an array of compelling opportunities for investors. With a vast consumer market, diverse sectors ripe for foreign investment, and a government committed to attracting global investors, Indone...


India’s Manufacturing Landscape in 2024: Key Sectors, Challenges, Competitiven...

India’s Manufacturing Landscape in 2024: Key Sectors, Challenges, Competitiven...

In the last few years, we have witnessed India's rise as a manufacturing hub, driven largely by government initiatives, infrastructure development, digital transformation, a young workforce, and geopolitical uncertainties. Since 2014, the government...


Indonesia's Electric Vehicle Supply Chain Industry: Opportunities and Incentives...

Indonesia's Electric Vehicle Supply Chain Industry: Opportunities and Incentives...

As the world intensifies efforts to curb carbon emissions and nations race to achieve ambitious net-zero targets, the global demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is soaring. Indonesia, equipped with the world’s largest nickel reserves, is strateg...


Setting Up SMEs in Vietnam: Essential Step-by-Step Guide 2024

Setting Up SMEs in Vietnam: Essential Step-by-Step Guide 2024

As Vietnam continues to position itself as a leading investment destination in the region, setting up a company here offers not only access to a vibrant market but also the potential for long-term growth and success in Southeast Asia's evolving busin...


[CN] Investing and Doing Business in Vietnam | 投资越南 - 展望 2024

[CN] Investing and Doing Business in Vietnam | 投资越南 - 展望 2024

事实证明,2023 年对全球经济来说是充满挑战的一年,越南也未能完全免受其影响。尽管由于全球逆风造成出口减少和需求抑制,越南4.7%的GDP增长低于预期,但战略措施和有利条件为越南在2...


India's Investment Outlook 2024: Expert Insights, Potential Opportunities, and I...

India's Investment Outlook 2024: Expert Insights, Potential Opportunities, and I...

India remains a bright spot for global investors thanks to its robust macroeconomic fundamentals. India’s economy is on track to reach 6.5 percent growth in the fiscal year 2024-25 and will hit 7 percent in 2026.This positions the country as a ...

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