Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



An Overview of the External Commercial Borrowings Framework in India

An Overview of the External Commercial Borrowings Framework in India

Business Advisory Services Senior Associate Vikas Saluja hosted a detailed webinar covering the framework of External Commercial Borrowings and Trade credit in India.


India's Transition to Clean Mobility: Investment Landscape and Future Prospects

India's Transition to Clean Mobility: Investment Landscape and Future Prospects

Transportation claims a major share in India’s growth story, and factors like technology, accessibility, affordability, and sustainability have been redefining mobility solutions. Technological advancements and efforts to transition to cleaner alte...


Vietnam's Key Investment Industries and Destinations 2022. Part 1, “Vietnam's ...

Vietnam's Key Investment Industries and Destinations 2022. Part 1, “Vietnam's ...

In this webinar, we take a deep dive into the opportunities and challenges one may find associated with expanding into the logistics business in Vietnam, specifically Northern Vietnam.


The RCEP Advantage: Part 1 – New Trade Opportunities in Vietnam

The RCEP Advantage: Part 1 – New Trade Opportunities in Vietnam

Will Vietnam be overwhelmed with a free flow of goods its manufacturing sector cannot compete with? Or will see an ever-increasing influx of FDI towards the country, tapping the newly gained access, creating jobs, and boosting its economy?


Digital Economy Prospects in Vietnam and Identifying Government Support

Digital Economy Prospects in Vietnam and Identifying Government Support

Vietnam’s digital economy has seen significant growth over the last decade and is expected to be valued at US$57 billion by 2025. The country’s digital transformation is well underway and accelerated by the pandemic as businesses consider the pos...


An Introduction to Doing Business in Indonesia 2022

An Introduction to Doing Business in Indonesia 2022

This publication, designed to introduce the fundamentals of investing in Indonesia, was compiled by the experts at Dezan Shira & Associates, a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business intelligence, ta...


Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса в Китае 2022

Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса в Китае 2022

Руководство “Ведение бизнеса в Китае 2022” знакомит с основами инвестирования в Китае. Это всеобъемлющее руководство, составленное проф...


Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса во Вьетнаме ...

Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса во Вьетнаме ...

Вьетнам выстоял в трудный 2021 год, пандемия COVID-19 нанесла значительный ущерб его экономике и населению. В середине года страна пережила ст...


Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса в Индии 2022

Руководство по Ведению Бизнеса в Индии 2022

В 2021 году Индия успешно перевела свою экономику в режим восстановления, несмотря на крупные вспышки пандемии в первой половине года. Пол...


The Center of Renewable Energies - New Investment Opportunities for SMEs in West...

The Center of Renewable Energies - New Investment Opportunities for SMEs in West...

In this webinar, Christoph Hering, business consultant for Deyang NETDZ, introduces Deyang NETDZ; and Riccardo Benussi, Head of European Business Development at Dezan Shira & Associates, discusses re-doing business in China.


Unlocking Your ASEAN Potential – A Guide to Doing Business in 2022

Unlocking Your ASEAN Potential – A Guide to Doing Business in 2022

Marco Förster, International Business Advisory Manager, provides an overview of ASEAN’s 2022 economic outlook and what’s changed for doing business in the region.


Looking Ahead to 2022: Investing and Doing Business in China

Looking Ahead to 2022: Investing and Doing Business in China

In this webinar, our China investment experts Guilherme Campos and Viktor Rojkov, provide insight and guidance on critical aspects for foreign investors to take into account for their business development and expansion in the new year.

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