Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Corporate Sustainability in China

Corporate Sustainability in China

Faced with the new reality of a slowing economy and ongoing environmental issues, China now sees sustainability as essential to ensuring long-term viability for both its economy and its citizens’ quality of life. As the issue of sustainability gain...


Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Overseas Transactions

Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Overseas Transactions

Under the GST regime, exports are treated as ‘zero-rated supplies’. That is, supplies on which the GST rate is fixed as zero. It is the endeavour of the government to ensure that exports are encouraged by providing necessary tax breaks. ...


Руководство: Ведение Бизнеса во Вьетнаме

Руководство: Ведение Бизнеса во Вьетнаме

В данном руководстве Вьетнам Брифинг мы предлагаем иностранным инвесторам подробное руководство по выходу и ведению бизнеса во Вьетна...


Ежегодный Аудит и Соответствие по Отчетнос...

Ежегодный Аудит и Соответствие по Отчетнос...

В этом выпуске Китай Брифинг мы рассказываем иностранным компаниям о процессе ежегодного аудита и соблюдении требований от начала и до ...


Как Выводить Прибыль из Китая?

Как Выводить Прибыль из Китая?

В этом выпуске журнала «Китай Брифинг» мы предлагаем иностранным инвесторам руководство по управлению процессом репатриации прибыли. ...


Back Office Automation in China

Back Office Automation in China

Automation in the professional services segment – the use of information technology to automate basic business processes – is making steady gains across mid- to large-size firms, increasing the ability of business leaders to transform their opera...


Tax, Accounting and Audit in China 2020 (11th Edition)

Tax, Accounting and Audit in China 2020 (11th Edition)

Tax, Accounting, and Audit in China 2020 offers a comprehensive overview of the major taxes foreign investors are likely to encounter when establishing or operating a business in China, as well as other tax-relevant obligations. This is a concise, de...


Export VAT Rebate in China

Export VAT Rebate in China

VAT refunds or “VAT rebates”, as they’re known in China, are an essential tool in any exporter’s arsenal, whether a manufacturer or a trading company. With policies evolving in China, particularly in the first half of 2019, it’s important f...


China’s SaaS Market is Booming: Why Foreign Investors Should Pay Attention

China’s SaaS Market is Booming: Why Foreign Investors Should Pay Attention

China’s software as a service market is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. China Briefing examines the drivers of growth in the industry and analyzes prospects for foreign investment.


Accounting Standards Act - Singapore

Accounting Standards Act - Singapore

An act describing the accounting standards for companies in Singapore


协力管理咨询公司简介(中文) - Dezan Shira & Associates' Service B...

协力管理咨询公司简介(中文) - Dezan Shira & Associates' Service B...



China’s New IIT Rules: A Guide for Employers

China’s New IIT Rules: A Guide for Employers

China introduced the biggest changes to its individual income tax (IIT) system since at least 2011 with the passing of a new IIT law in 2018. The new law brought forward a host of changes to individual taxation in China, including by revising tax bra...

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