Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



China's Catalog of Foreign-Invested Industries and the Negative List

China's Catalog of Foreign-Invested Industries and the Negative List

What is meant by the term ‘Negative List’? The term negative list is used to define industries in which foreign companies cannot invest and specifies restrictions or bans on certain types of foreign investment. For those industries not ...


China’s New IIT Rules: A Guide for Employers

China’s New IIT Rules: A Guide for Employers

China introduced the biggest changes to its individual income tax (IIT) system since at least 2011 with the passing of a new IIT law in 2018. The new law brought forward a host of changes to individual taxation in China, including by revising tax bra...


Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area


Internal Control Review Process - China

Internal Control Review Process - China


Annual Compliance Timeline - China

Annual Compliance Timeline - China


Risk Management for Foreign Investors in China

Risk Management for Foreign Investors in China

This Q&A session covers some of the basic types of fraud that foreign invested companies in China need to look out for. Further, we briefly outline internal control mechanisms for risk management in China. Within the text body, you will find cl...


HR and Payroll in Vietnam - An Overview

HR and Payroll in Vietnam - An Overview

After setting up a business in Vietnam, the next big hurdle is hiring the staff that you will need to help grow your operation. The initial hiring process and, ultimately, payroll administration can quickly become a complex and confusing process. Lab...


Growing Opportunities for Foreign Investors in Indonesia

Growing Opportunities for Foreign Investors in Indonesia

In this issue of Indonesia Briefing magazine, we focus on emerging FDI opportunities in Indonesia and highlight the country’s potential as a sound investment destination, including for those looking to shift a part of their production lines from Ch...


¿Cuáles son las actividades que puede llevar a cabo una Oficina de Enlace en I...

¿Cuáles son las actividades que puede llevar a cabo una Oficina de Enlace en I...

De acuerdo con el Banco de la Reserva de la India (RBI, por sus siglas en inglés), las siguientes actividades son las que una Oficina de Enlace puede realizar en India: -Representación de la empresa matriz en India. -Promoción de...


Annual Audit and Compliance in China

Annual Audit and Compliance in China

The start of a new year tends to be a hectic time for foreign companies in China. During this period, businesses must also begin to prepare their annual statutory audit – if they have not started to do so already. The answer to limiting exposure to...


¿Cuáles son las debilidades en el control interno de las PYMES?

¿Cuáles son las debilidades en el control interno de las PYMES?

Las debilidades comunes observadas en el control interno de una PYME incluyen:  Falta de políticas de control interno adecuadas y formación de los empleados Revisiones o aprobaciones para el control interno limitadas debido a l...


The China-US Trade War

The China-US Trade War

How can you mitigate the impact of the China-US Trade War on your business?  In this presentation, Valeria Manunza and Juan Rojas, International Business Advisors at Dezan Shira & Associates, showcase the impact of the China-US trade war on...

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