Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



How is minimum wage growth calculated in ASEAN countries?

How is minimum wage growth calculated in ASEAN countries?

The calculation of minimum wage growth varies by country, depending on the power of labor unions and on the government. Historically minimum wages in Vietnam were set at the state level, but after 2012 the National Wage Council, formed by representat...


Why is minimum wage not always realistic in ASEAN countries?

Why is minimum wage not always realistic in ASEAN countries?

When considering whether to invest in ASEAN countries, investors need to understand that minimum wages are usually not realistic and do not represent the true cost of labor, because of regional variance due to intra-county disparities in development ...


What are the working hours/days in ASEAN countries?

What are the working hours/days in ASEAN countries?

All ASEAN countries have a maximum of six working days per week and an eight hour work day; in Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam this results in a maximum of 48 hours of work per week. In Myanmar and Singapore, though the limit o...


How much is paid for overtime in ASEAN countries?

How much is paid for overtime in ASEAN countries?

Overtime entitles workers  in all ASEAN countries to receive overtime wages for work exceeding standard hours. The lowest retribution is given in the Philippines, where an extra 25 percent of hourly wages is granted for overtime, while the highe...


How much is paid for working at night or during rest days in ASEAN countries?

How much is paid for working at night or during rest days in ASEAN countries?

All ASEAN countries, except for Indonesia and Thailand, charge an additional premium for night work and rest days, but the premium varies considerably: Indonesia and Thailand have no formally imposed premium; the Philippines has a 10 percent premium ...


What are the costs of social insurance for employers and employees in ASEAN coun...

What are the costs of social insurance for employers and employees in ASEAN coun...

Usually more developed countries with more expansive social programs charge higher rates, as is the case in Singapore, where an employee must contribute 20 percent of wages and employers 16 percent toward the main social insurance programs. Malaysia ...


What is a Human Resources (HR) audit?

What is a Human Resources (HR) audit?

An HR audit is an independent and objective evaluation of the current state of an organization’s HR policies, practices and documentation, and systems, that can be used to advise a company about hidden HR-related problems and mistakes, as well ...


What are the assurances an HR auditing process should give?

What are the assurances an HR auditing process should give?

An HR auditing process should assure the company that it is correctly complying with all government regulations, that the business talent requirements are satisfied, that the HR management risks are being addressed appropriately and finally that the ...


Who can conduct an HR audit?

Who can conduct an HR audit?

An HR audit can be conducted internally, if the organization’s own staff have the competence and the expertise necessary to do it. However, it is suggested that the organization hires outside legally-qualified counsel to perform the audit, beca...


How often is it recommended to conduct HR audits?

How often is it recommended to conduct HR audits?

It is advisable to conduct HR audits on an annual basis. This solution might not seem viable, but in reality, conducting an HR audit on a regular basis reduces the time and effort needed, because the amount of HR documentation needed to be discovered...


What is an employee handbook?

What is an employee handbook?

An employee handbook is a document that stipulates all company rules, regulations, and operations, as well as obligations and expectations of employees. It can be an effective method to communicate the company’s organization philosophy to all l...


Under Chinese law, what should be included in the employee handbook?

Under Chinese law, what should be included in the employee handbook?

China has no laws that specifically and definitively govern the content of an employee handbook, so it is ultimately the responsibility of the employer to decide what is included. Given the legal and operational importance of the employee handbook, i...

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