Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



El despido colectivo en China

El despido colectivo en China

Oscar Mussons y Konstantinas Starkus, asesores de Dezan Shira & Associates, te explican las claves del despido colectivo.


Opportunities and Challenges of the EVFTA

Opportunities and Challenges of the EVFTA

This presentation is brought to you by our in-house specialist Oscar Mussons on opportunities and challenges of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement for Foreign Direct Investment companies in Vietnam.


Vietnam y sus acuerdos de libre comercio, ¿ocasión para invertir en el país?

Vietnam y sus acuerdos de libre comercio, ¿ocasión para invertir en el país?

Oscar A. Mussons, asociado de Dezan Shira & Associates en Vietnam, explica la relevancia de los acuerdos de libre comercio negociados y firmados recientemente por Vietnam, así como su significado para la inversión extranjera directa.


China Investment Roadmap: the Education Sector

China Investment Roadmap: the Education Sector

There are an abundance of opportunities for foreign involvement in China’s education sector, but a return on investment can only be realized with a firm prior understanding of the market environment and the selection of an appropriate investment ve...


Common Labor Issues in China - Risks and Compliance Strategies

Common Labor Issues in China - Risks and Compliance Strategies

In this presentation, our in-house specialist Kyle Freeman introduces you the common labor issues in China, and suggests practices to comply with the current laws as well as to avoid any potential risks.


Comparador de los tipos impositivos en ASEAN para los años 2016/2017

Comparador de los tipos impositivos en ASEAN para los años 2016/2017

En esta edición de ASEAN Briefing, examinamos la fiscalidad regional de ASEAN a través de la comparación de impuestos de sociedades, impuestos indirectos y retención de impuestos. Además les presentamos el resumen de los diferentes marcos de cum...


The Case for Manufacturing in Vietnam

The Case for Manufacturing in Vietnam

Presented by ASEAN Business Intelligence Associate Dustin Daugherty, this podcast discusses opportunities for FDI in Vietnam’s manufacturing sector and the steps needed to be taken by foreign investors to establish a manufacturing company in the co...


Indonesia Policy Monitor: August 2016

Indonesia Policy Monitor: August 2016

Indonesia presents a host of challenges that can impede the ability of foreign business players from operating at full stride. Among these challenges, the multiple and often overlapping layers of policy making and regulations makes for a complicated ...


Asia Light Manufacturing Outlook: August 2016

Asia Light Manufacturing Outlook: August 2016

The August 2016 issue of the Asia Light Manufacturing Outlook report is a 4 page executive-ready assessment and outlook designed to help companies anticipate labor risks and dynamics across key manufacturing countries in Asia. Countries of coverage i...


Types of Employees in China

Types of Employees in China

This infographic compares the different types of employees on various dimensions, from cultural fitness to salary expectation.


Compensation Research Channels in China

Compensation Research Channels in China

This infographic compares the different compensation research channel available for Chinese companies and their pros and cons, including the professional HR consultancy companies, popular job boards such as 51Job as well as government statistics.


Candidate Identification in China

Candidate Identification in China

This infographic compares different types of candidates, the pros and cons they present to the recruiters, and their applicable positions.

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