Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Revisione contabile e compliance in Vietnam

Revisione contabile e compliance in Vietnam

In questo numero di Vietnam Briefing, mostriamo le più recenti modifiche alle procedure di revisione e forniamo indicazioni su come garantire che le attività di compliance siano completate in modo efficiente ed efficace. Ci soffermeremo in particol...


Understanding Mergers & Acquisitions in China

Understanding Mergers & Acquisitions in China

In this issue of China Briefing magazine, we set out to guide foreign investors through the mergers and acquisitions process, from initial market research, to set-up procedures and regulatory hurdles, and finally through important due diligence consi...


The 2016/17 ASEAN Tax Comparator

The 2016/17 ASEAN Tax Comparator

In this issue of ASEAN Briefing, we examine regional taxation in ASEAN through a comparison of corporate, indirect, and withholdings taxation. We further present an overview of the compliance environments found across the region and analyze ASEAN’s...


Key Market Trends in China's M&A Market

Key Market Trends in China's M&A Market

This infographic breaks down the latest M&A market trends in China.


Types of Acquisitions and their Procedures in China

Types of Acquisitions and their Procedures in China

This infographic highlights different procedures for different types of acquisitions.


General Procedure for Company Acquisitions in China

General Procedure for Company Acquisitions in China

This infographic shows the general procedure for company acquisition in China.


Taxation in a Company Acquisition Case in China

Taxation in a Company Acquisition Case in China

This infographic lists various tax categories applicable to each party involved in an acquisition deal in China.


How is the current Mergers & Acquisition environment in China?

How is the current Mergers & Acquisition environment in China?

The environment for M&As in China continues to be dynamic. While majority of M&A activities involves with domestic companies, volume of China’s outbound transactions has surged and exceeded its inbound, making the country a net capital ...


Why is it essential to conduct a thorough due diligence when acquiring companies...

Why is it essential to conduct a thorough due diligence when acquiring companies...

M&A is one of the key investment vehicles with which foreign companies can enter the Chinese market. Since the turn of the century, the Chinese government has progressively been introducing new taxation and regulatory frameworks to govern how com...


How is the current legislative framework for company acquisitions in China?

How is the current legislative framework for company acquisitions in China?

The Chinese government has been striving to make the long and in-depth approval process of acquisition simpler. However, contradiction and legislative gaps still remain in the country’s company acquisition law as the Chinese government often ha...


What are the important provisions that investors should refer to when acquiring ...

What are the important provisions that investors should refer to when acquiring ...

Foreign investors should note that different provisions apply to acquiring different forms of enterprises in China. “Provisions on Merger and Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors”(MOFCOM Order [2009] No.6, hereinafter,...


How does the Chinese government handle security issues and anti-monopoly investi...

How does the Chinese government handle security issues and anti-monopoly investi...

Besides the anti-monopoly investigations stipulated in the PRC Anti-Monopoly Law and in Order No.6., an additional security review by the joint ministerial conference has been required since March 3, 2011, as indicated in “Notice on Establishme...

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