Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Analyse de la Réforme de la TVA en Chine

Analyse de la Réforme de la TVA en Chine

Début 2012, la Chine a débuté une réforme massive de son système fiscal en lançant le remplacement de sa “taxe sur les affaires” (“business tax” ou “BT”) par la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (“TVA”). Avant cette réforme, la TVA n...


Evaluating China's VAT Reform

Evaluating China's VAT Reform

At the beginning of 2012, China began a massive overhaul of its tax system by initiating the replacement of business tax (BT) with value-added tax (VAT). Prior to the reform, VAT was levied only on the sale and import of tangible goods and on the pro...


China Investment Roadmap: the Food & Beverage Industry

China Investment Roadmap: the Food & Beverage Industry

The vast opportunities and still nascent potential of China's food & beverage market should not be viewed without their caveats. Competition is stiff, both from other international companies and growing domestic ones, and the regulatory environment i...


An Introduction to Foreign Investment in Indonesia

An Introduction to Foreign Investment in Indonesia

Indonesia stands out in the ASEAN region for its competitive wages, large labor pool, and burgeoning domestic market. With a population exceeding 250 million, the country is poised to become an immensely lucrative market as it develops further and th...


The Guide to Manufacturing in Indonesia

The Guide to Manufacturing in Indonesia

Choosing if, where, and how to establish foreign manufacturing operations in Indonesia can be a significant challenge. While the archipelago’s vast diversity may initially seem daunting, a number of options are available which will allow entry and ...


Rimpatriare gli utili dal Vietnam

Rimpatriare gli utili dal Vietnam

In questo numero di Vietnam Briefing, presentiamo i regolamenti esistenti in materia di trasferimenti degli utili e forniamo una guida su come rispettare le relative norme. Inoltre, introduciamo gli organi governativi competenti e forniamo consigli e...


Revisiting Transfer Pricing in China: a Year of New Regulations

Revisiting Transfer Pricing in China: a Year of New Regulations

2016 has seen the release of new laws that have revamped transfer pricing compliance for MNCs in China. If implemented early in a Chinese entity’s business life, a transfer pricing system can complement and support an MNC’s business model and com...


Strategies for Repatriating Funds from India

Strategies for Repatriating Funds from India

In this issue of India Briefing Magazine, we look at issues related to repatriating funds from India. We highlight the unique regulations for sending funds back from India, examine the various strategies companies can make use of while repatriating, ...


Freihandelsabkommen in Asien wirksam nutzen

Freihandelsabkommen in Asien wirksam nutzen

In unserem aktuellen Magazin „Freihandelsabkommen in Asien wirksam nutzen“ beschäftigen wir uns mit Freihandelsabkommen in Asien. Debatten über den Abbau von Zöllen und anderen Handelsbarrieren zur Erleichterung des Handels werden oft auf mult...


China Investment Roadmap: the Education Sector

China Investment Roadmap: the Education Sector

There are an abundance of opportunities for foreign involvement in China’s education sector, but a return on investment can only be realized with a firm prior understanding of the market environment and the selection of an appropriate investment ve...


Comparador de los tipos impositivos en ASEAN para los años 2016/2017

Comparador de los tipos impositivos en ASEAN para los años 2016/2017

En esta edición de ASEAN Briefing, examinamos la fiscalidad regional de ASEAN a través de la comparación de impuestos de sociedades, impuestos indirectos y retención de impuestos. Además les presentamos el resumen de los diferentes marcos de cum...


Bekannte Routen, neue Ziele - Chinas Initiative ,Neue Seidenstraße'

Bekannte Routen, neue Ziele - Chinas Initiative ,Neue Seidenstraße'

Zum zweiten Quartal 2016 veröffentlichen wir das Magazin „Bekannte Routen, neue Ziele – Chinas Initiative ‚Neue Seidenstraße´“, in der wir über die institutionelle Ausrichtung der Volksrepublik China auf der OBOR berichten. Hierbei gehen ...

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