Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground





This infographic presents the composition of foreign invested capital in 5 ASEAN member nations.


Holding Companies Locations Compared

Holding Companies Locations Compared

This infographic compares the taxation, business environment, and international connectivity in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Netherlands, and Mauritius.


Strategies for Remitting Indonesian Dividends to Chile

Strategies for Remitting Indonesian Dividends to Chile

This infographic illustrates how to remit dividends received in Indonesia through two different paths to Chile.


How does Singapore integrate its supply chain?

How does Singapore integrate its supply chain?

With nearly zero tariff within the ASEAN Economic Community(AEC) and the harmonization of regulatory standards, Singapore’s top export sectors such as electronics and machinery are able to access cheap inputs from the likes of Indonesia and Mal...


What advantages does Singapore have over taxation?

What advantages does Singapore have over taxation?

To encourage investments, Singapore imposes a relatively light tax burden on those invested within its borders. Corporate income tax (CIT) stands at 17 percent while dividends can be repatriated without imposed withholdings. However, the true competi...


What are the options for corporate establishment in Singapore?

What are the options for corporate establishment in Singapore?

Setting up a private limited establishment in Singapore is the most effect option for administering operations throughout ASEAN, whilst other options such as representative offices, publically listed companies, and joint ventures are also available f...


What steps are involved when establishing a company in Singapore?

What steps are involved when establishing a company in Singapore?

Companies investing in Singapore must first obtain approval for the company’s name, which should not be identical to a name already exists. Secondly, all private limited companies are required to appoint a director, company secretaries and audi...


What are some common licensing requirements that investors might face upon entry...

What are some common licensing requirements that investors might face upon entry...

Depending on the nature of the work that a company wishes to conduct within Singapore, additional documentation and licensing may be required. Among them, the most common ones are Business Activity License required for most firms operating within the...


What compliance tasks should companies in Singapore complete in order to qualify...

What compliance tasks should companies in Singapore complete in order to qualify...

Obtaining a Certificate of Residence (COR), issued by the Internal Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) and ensuring Permanent Establishment (PE) status within respective ASEAN states are the two most important compliance tasks that must be complete...


What is a Certificate of Residence (COR) in Singapore?

What is a Certificate of Residence (COR) in Singapore?

Singapore’s COR is an indicator to tax authorities – in Singapore and abroad – that a given company has established operations within the state of Singapore. Within Singapore, a COR is used to establish a company’s eligibility...


How can firms in Singapore offset their international taxation?

How can firms in Singapore offset their international taxation?

Currently those incorporated within Singapore and holding a Certificate of Residence (COR) will be able to choose between two methods, the credit method and the exemption method, in order to offset their international taxation. Under the credit metho...


What is the benefit of routing investments through Singapore?

What is the benefit of routing investments through Singapore?

Companies operating in ASEAN might find that the cost of transferring profits back to their home country has increased in the absence of up to date DTAs. By contrast, with many DTAs in place and 0 percent withholdings tax of its own on dividends, Sin...

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