Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Setting up a Business in China by Thibaut Minot

Setting up a Business in China by Thibaut Minot

Presentation by Thibaut Minot The Chinese Ministry of Commerce maintains a Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment, which stipulates the degree of openness of China’s industry sectors to foreign direct investment (FDI). Acc...


Nuevas consideraciones al establecer una WFOE en China en 2017

Nuevas consideraciones al establecer una WFOE en China en 2017

En este número de China Briefing se guía al lector a través de una variedad de temas, desde las razones detrás de la preferencia de los inversores extranjeros por la WFOE como modelo de inversión, hasta la gestión de las nuevas regulaciones de ...


China's Film Industry

China's Film Industry

This presentation by Ines Liu, Senior Associate in Dezan Shira & Associates' Beijing office, explains the current status of China’s film industry, and how foreign investors can produce and distribute foreign films in China.


China Industries Outlook 2018

China Industries Outlook 2018

In China’s new era, socioeconomic issues such as a rapidly aging society, an uneasy transition towards a knowledge-based economy, and a highly polluted environment are becoming more important than relentless economic growth and expansion. And forei...


How to Set Up in Thailand

How to Set Up in Thailand

In this issue of ASEAN Briefing magazine, we analyze the various market entry options available for investors interested in expanding to Thailand. We also discuss the various tax and non-tax incentives on offer for foreign investors in the kingdom. F...


Establishing & Operating a Business in China 2018

Establishing & Operating a Business in China 2018

China’s foreign investment landscaped changed significantly in 2017, where strategic investors will find that their options have broadened significantly. Establishing and Operating a Business in China 2018 is designed to explore the establishment p...


Business Models in Thailand

Business Models in Thailand

This chart shows the different business models available for foreign investors in Thailand.


China's Foreign NGO Law: Interpreting and Navigating the New Rules

China's Foreign NGO Law: Interpreting and Navigating the New Rules

This presentation, given by Chet Scheltema, Regional Director of Dezan Shira & Associates, discusses China's Foreign NGO Law and Charity Law; permitted and prohibited activities; the political and legislative context behind the new law; application p...


What is the importance of pre-investment capital planning when establishing a FI...

What is the importance of pre-investment capital planning when establishing a FI...

Companies should be careful not to invest too little registered capital, as injecting additional capital is a time-consuming process that takes anywhere between eight to 12 weeks. Investing too much can lead to excess capital sitting idly in the acco...


Determining What Portion of the Investment May Be a Loan in China

Determining What Portion of the Investment May Be a Loan in China

This infographic explains how to determine what portion of a company's registered capital may be a company loan.


China's Investment Landscape: Finding New Opportunities

China's Investment Landscape: Finding New Opportunities

China’s foreign investment landscape has experienced pivotal changes this year. The Middle Kingdom can still be a challenging place to do business, but its economy has outperformed expectations. In this issue of China Briefing magazine, we examine ...


De Nouveaux Facteurs à Considérer lors de l'Etablissement d'une WFOE en Chine ...

De Nouveaux Facteurs à Considérer lors de l'Etablissement d'une WFOE en Chine ...

Dans ce numéro de China Briefing, nous tentons de guider les lecteurs à travers les différentes facettes de la structure WFOE et présentons les réformes mises en œuvre par le gouvernement chinois cette année passée, privilégiant à présent ...

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