Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Audit and Compliance Timeline for Companies Operating in the Philippines

Audit and Compliance Timeline for Companies Operating in the Philippines

A suggested timeline regarding the annual audit process for companies operating in the Philippines.


Current State of IFRS Adoption in ASEAN

Current State of IFRS Adoption in ASEAN

This infographic is about the current state of IFRS adoption in ASEAN, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and Singapore.


What are some possible methods for foreign companies to hire employees in India?

What are some possible methods for foreign companies to hire employees in India?

Although India has a large labor pool, skilled workers and senior management are typically difficult to recruit. One way to source employees is by using websites such as Monster.com or Naukri.com. But the most successful way used by employers is to e...


How can expatriates register an India employment visa?

How can expatriates register an India employment visa?

After obtaining an India visa, expatriates need to register the visa at the Foreign Regional Registration Office (FRRO). If the duration of the visa exceeds six months (180 days), the visa holder must register the visa within 14 days of arrival at an...


How can employer terminate an employee in India?

How can employer terminate an employee in India?

There is no standard process to terminate an employee in India. An employee may be terminated according to the individual labor contract signed between the employee and the employer, if the contract defines a process for termination. If there is no l...


To what extent does labor law protect employees in India?

To what extent does labor law protect employees in India?

The judiciary and the government tend to have a pro-worker stance in employment-termination dispute. And laws in India offer employees a great degree of protection. Therefore, it is usual for employees in India to exercise their right of appeal when ...


How is the labor market in India?

How is the labor market in India?

There are three main factors which describe the lndian labor market: low cost of labor, large labor pool and increasingly more competitive competition for talent. India is a leader in labor cost competitiveness, where labor costs average US $0.92 per...


What aspects do foreign investors/companies need to consider when doing business...

What aspects do foreign investors/companies need to consider when doing business...

For foreign investors doing business in India, it is vital to cultivate a basic understanding of local customs to remain effective in meeting business goals. There are two aspects which need to be taken into consideration. First, honor and shame play...


Annual Audit and Compliance in ASEAN

Annual Audit and Compliance in ASEAN

For the first issue of our ASEAN Briefing Magazine, we look at the different audit and compliance regulations of five of the main economies in ASEAN. We firstly focus on the accounting standards, filing processes, and requirements for Indonesia, Mala...


China's Four Free Trade Zones at a Glance

China's Four Free Trade Zones at a Glance

China currently has four free trade zones located in Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangdong and Fujian.


The Development of China's Negative List

The Development of China's Negative List

Development of China's negative list since it was first introduced in Shanghai in 2013.


The Tax Environment in China's Free Trade Zones

The Tax Environment in China's Free Trade Zones

An insight into tax rate differences in China's FTZs, particularly CIT and IIT.

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